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Poor random seam print results  

New Member
Poor random seam print results

Has anyone been an able to get good results with the random seam setting on their XL and Prusa Slicer? I just get prints that have bumps all over them.  I've tried adjusting temperature and retraction settings without any improvement. My MK3S+ prints projects in the random seam setting perfectly. Surprised that my old printer is printing better than my XL in this regard. 



Posted : 09/07/2024 10:23 pm
Illustrious Member

with the random seam setting on their XL and Prusa Slicer? I just get prints that have bumps all over them.

That is the purpose of the random setting.  With some textured models it's a convenient way to disguise the seam.  For practical parts, if the surface matters: align the seam and sand it off post printing.


Posted : 10/07/2024 6:58 am