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Unofficial Prusa XL Waiting Thread  

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Active Member
RE: Unofficial Prusa XL Waiting Thread

Noisy.... Whilst quietly over in the BLOG there sits an update. Might be worth a read

Respondido : 13/03/2023 9:39 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Unofficial Prusa XL Waiting Thread

start checking your email ! 



Respondido : 13/03/2023 9:40 pm
Razor me gusta
Estimable Member

I'll save you the click:


We will need several months to ship the thousands of Day-1 orders.



There you have it.





Esta publicación ha sido modificada el hace 2 years 3 veces por bolsoncerrado
Respondido : 13/03/2023 9:45 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Unofficial Prusa XL Waiting Thread


Posted by: @stefan-3

They will not 😀    This printer is overhyped.

May be  bc it deserves some hype after so many years of pure NOTHING innovative? The closest is the voron movement but that's an expert level many can't achieve. BL is just PnP and voila.

Many important parts are not available as replacement.

The Carbon rods are necessary to enable the fast head movements, but they will wear and are also not available as replacement.

As everything in the mech world that widthstand forces and speeds. So what?


People praise this printers as so super innovative...

Klipper? - not their invention

Bambu Studio Slicer? Other people developed this over many years! 

PrusaSlicer? Not their invention either.


LIDAR - They choosed this because they had experience with LIDAR from the drones - not because it is the best solution for 3D printing 🙂 

You can view comparisons between prints with / without LIDAR from their printers on Youtube - it is hard to see a difference...
While printing the LIDAR does NOTHING.

LIDAR handles the first layer. Why would prints look different UNLESS they detach from the base (thats what LIDAR maily aims at!). 
By assessing these kind of comments the rest are doubtful thought of...

The next joke is, it cannot be used with a textured build plate ??? I need the texture on any of my prints ! This makes mechanical prints look professional.

I beg your....what? LOL Just dont use LIDAR for the textured, textured prints great on BLs.


Expect the lifespan of this printers to be "warranty period + 6 months"

Then they want to sell you the successor model. Because they told you from the beginning, that the printer is not ready yet 🤣 :


And we'll have the cash ready, as long as they provide further steps to perfection.


Ps. I own a farm of Prusas, and "some BLs" that will replace them eventually.

Respondido : 13/03/2023 9:50 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Unofficial Prusa XL Waiting Thread

When comparing prusa-printers with printers as the bambu ... that's not really a fair comparison.
Josef Prusa was one of the pioneers of the reprap-community. example: He was one of the inventors of the (usable) heated bed and he actively has had a big part in the 3d-print-technology being spread out over the world.

So yes, they had to overcome many problems, find solutions, ... of which the new companies can build on.
Also, this industry is fast learning and fast evolving ... exactly because of the open-source-idea, where everyone can help and improve the product.
So you CAN compare a MK3 versus a modern, latets voron or bambu, ... and ofcourse the MK3 will loose when edgy comparisons are made.
So my guess is that Prusa aims more on reliability, and in the mean time still honouring the TOTAL open-sosurce idea.

There will always be products, printers, products, .. that are more advanced. That does not bother me. 
I want, and I guess that is what the industry also wants: a proven always-working solution, simple to use, with a decent helpdesk to back you up.
!! By industry I mean, small companies that need the 3d-print-functionality for designing, improving products. I'm not speaking about the high end industry as NASA and others, who have been using 3D-printing for decades now.

No need to insult eachother here.

I'm not pleased with the delays PRUSA is taking. I Understand the reason for delaying, ... but this si stretched longer then my patience for now, so i  🙁 🙁

If I wanted a top-notch new printer I would invest in a big voron, but as being a teacher I simply lack the time to learn, tinker, setup, ... such a printer (might be a surprise but almost every evening I'm working, grading, preparing lessons untill 23h or later. Comes with the job, I know)
AAMOF I 'm really interested in the VORON-idea .. but no time.

SO I'm most pleased with my "old-school" MK3S which will always do the job. which I build from a kit and which I can can dismantle and rebuild myself.
But as my MK3s prints almost every day for some years now (I was one of the first buyers), it is due for a replacement.

Also, side note, ..
I read a remark about the hastle of replacing a nozzle on the MK3S ... and I was most surprised.
I can change a nozzle on my MK3S in about 1 minute. No biggy.

Respondido : 13/03/2023 9:57 pm
Win J.
RE: Unofficial Prusa XL Waiting Thread

So you are stating, as a fact, that should the rods get damaged from user error that Bambu will replace them?  Citation for this?

Posted by: @onishin

Indeed, Bambu does not sell carbon rod. You know why ? Because all bambu printers are still under warranty so if you have a problem with it you open a ticket and they will send it to you by post with an assembly procedure which will not be easy to do but in the end not as hard as disassembling completely a whole extruder.

And for information, I print perfectly on the textured plate that I bought directly from bambu.


Respondido : 13/03/2023 10:00 pm
Win J.
RE: Unofficial Prusa XL Waiting Thread

And how many months did it take for Bambu to deliver their Kickstarter rewards?

Posted by: @bolsoncerrado

I'll save you the click:


We will need several months to ship the thousands of Day-1 orders.



There you have it.






Respondido : 13/03/2023 10:03 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Unofficial Prusa XL Waiting Thread


Posted by: @bolsoncerrado

I'll save you the click:


We will need several months to ship the thousands of Day-1 orders.



There you have it.






I understand the problems Prusa faces ...
but disapointed.
Also, after the previous problems with the launch of the MK3 where I also had to wait about a year past promised date ... they do it again 🙁 

Respondido : 13/03/2023 10:03 pm
Win J.
RE: Unofficial Prusa XL Waiting Thread

Regarding PruaSlicer, Prusa very publicly stated that they were forking Slicer, and kept it Open Source.  Bambu took Open Source components and tried to hide them and passed them off as their own work until publicly caught, and it took pressure from the community to do the right thing.  Makes one question their credibility.  

Posted by: @bolsoncerrado


Posted by: @stefan-3

They will not 😀    This printer is overhyped.

May be  bc it deserves some hype after so many years of pure NOTHING innovative? The closest is the voron movement but that's an expert level many can't achieve. BL is just PnP and voila.

Many important parts are not available as replacement.

The Carbon rods are necessary to enable the fast head movements, but they will wear and are also not available as replacement.

As everything in the mech world that widthstand forces and speeds. So what?


People praise this printers as so super innovative...

Klipper? - not their invention

Bambu Studio Slicer? Other people developed this over many years! 

PrusaSlicer? Not their invention either.


LIDAR - They choosed this because they had experience with LIDAR from the drones - not because it is the best solution for 3D printing 🙂 

You can view comparisons between prints with / without LIDAR from their printers on Youtube - it is hard to see a difference...
While printing the LIDAR does NOTHING.

LIDAR handles the first layer. Why would prints look different UNLESS they detach from the base (thats what LIDAR maily aims at!). 
By assessing these kind of comments the rest are doubtful thought of...

The next joke is, it cannot be used with a textured build plate ??? I need the texture on any of my prints ! This makes mechanical prints look professional.

I beg your....what? LOL Just dont use LIDAR for the textured, textured prints great on BLs.


Expect the lifespan of this printers to be "warranty period + 6 months"

Then they want to sell you the successor model. Because they told you from the beginning, that the printer is not ready yet 🤣 :


And we'll have the cash ready, as long as they provide further steps to perfection.


Ps. I own a farm of Prusas, and "some BLs" that will replace them eventually.


Respondido : 13/03/2023 10:07 pm
Razor y Shushuda me gusta
Estimable Member


Most of the wait was due to "sea" shipping to the rest of the world. If they would have been EU based, it would have been "next day" after campaign ended.


Posted by: @win-j

And how many months did it take for Bambu to deliver their Kickstarter rewards?

Posted by: @bolsoncerrado

I'll save you the click:


We will need several months to ship the thousands of Day-1 orders.



There you have it.







Esta publicación ha sido modificada el hace 2 years por bolsoncerrado
Respondido : 13/03/2023 10:11 pm
Estimable Member

reading the news-update ...
again a little disappointment when Josef thalks about realesing prusaslicr 2.5.1 ... when I think I heard him say that 2.6 would probabbly be released around december, january.
We are march now.
*sight* I must have understood wrongly.


[quote]We improved the overall stability and firmness of the entire printer ... [/quote] 
so what? I don't have the printer in my home so who cares how well he prints in your office?
Sorry, too disapointed 🙁 

it is a FACT that I experience the same things as I did with the lrelease of the MK3 ... 
disapointment on disapointment.


Esta publicación ha sido modificada el hace 2 years por ludodg
Respondido : 13/03/2023 10:12 pm
E For Extrude me gusta
Topic starter answered:
RE: Unofficial Prusa XL Waiting Thread

I own three Bambu - two X1 and one P1P.  They are good printers, but I agree that they are overhyped and the support is not near as good as Prusa.  Plain and simple, they are good, but you have to love the closed-source product.  Until recently, you have to cloud connected to even use them.  I like open source and the support community from Prusa.  

I would go over to express my thoughts on the printers but the forum is a ghost town.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Respondido : 13/03/2023 10:39 pm
Shushuda me gusta
Estimable Member
RE: Unofficial Prusa XL Waiting Thread

It's a ghost town because most forums are a dead end, and the Discord is absolutely hopping with activity. I wouldn't be surprised to see forums overall head the way of BBSes and IRC - used by fewer and fewer folks over time.

Respondido : 13/03/2023 10:43 pm
Topic starter answered:
RE: Unofficial Prusa XL Waiting Thread

I'm not too fond of Discord.  I have found the forum and shop chat to be more helpful from Prusa.  I have never tried it with Bambu.  

Posted by: @selta

It's a ghost town because most forums are a dead end, and the Discord is absolutely hopping with activity. I wouldn't be surprised to see forums overall head the way of BBSes and IRC - used by fewer and fewer folks over time.


Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Respondido : 13/03/2023 10:55 pm
Active Member

Yes. You said that already before. So I guess you have a business right? Because you clearly own Prusa printers. Why did you buy not one but 3 Bambu printers instead of more MK3s if they are so over hyped? Also what is so over hyped about the printers? All I see you saying is they are closed source which is not entirely true and also doesn't support your over hyped statement.

Esta publicación ha sido modificada el hace 2 years por TT
Respondido : 13/03/2023 11:39 pm
Topic starter answered:
RE: Unofficial Prusa XL Waiting Thread

Yes.  I have a hobby-based business that centers around high-power rocket parts.  I own two Anycubics, Two Crealities, four Mk3S, four Minis, one BIQU BX, three Bambus, two Vorons, and three resin printers.  I also have a Laser Cutter and CNC machine in a different part of my shop.  I can't wait to get the XL running.  I am looking to test out its speed.  That is a core XY's significant advantage over the MK3S and Mini.  Then again, speed can reduce strength, and I do not want to fly off my fins.  

At one time, my 8 Prusa were running 12-18 hours daily.  They all run well, even the one that is five years old.  I have only had to replace a couple of bearings and three thermistors.

It runs as well as when I bought it, but it is a little noisier.  

Posted by: @tt-3

Yes. You said that already before. So I guess you have a business right? Because you clearly own Prusa printers. Why did you buy not one but 3 Bambu printers instead of more MK3s if they are so over hyped? Also what is so over hyped about the printers? All I see you saying is they are closed source which is not entirely true and also doesn't support your over hyped statement.


Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Respondido : 14/03/2023 12:55 am
Topic starter answered:
RE: Unofficial Prusa XL Waiting Thread


Posted by: @tt-3

Yes. You said that already before. So I guess you have a business right? Because you clearly own Prusa printers. Why did you buy not one but 3 Bambu printers instead of more MK3s if they are so over hyped? Also what is so over hyped about the printers? All I see you saying is they are closed source which is not entirely true and also doesn't support your over hyped statement.

I have two locations where I print.  I live in an apartment 100 miles from my workshop.  Two X1s allow me to print with them both on weekends and weekdays.  Don't get me wrong, I love my Bambus, but I think they are overhyped.  I had the same first-layer challenges with the first couple of prints I have had with any new printer.  I do like the different beds, and I like the Core XY.  I hope Prusa Upgrades the Mk3S to a Core XY in the future.    

Another thing I like about Prusa is building the printer to learn how they work.  I missed that with the Bambu.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Respondido : 14/03/2023 1:01 am
Topic starter answered:
RE: Unofficial Prusa XL Waiting Thread

Has anyone gotten an email yet?

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Respondido : 14/03/2023 1:02 am
Trusted Member
RE: Unofficial Prusa XL Waiting Thread

for what reason you need superb support?

prusas dont fail, nobody needs support then.

Respondido : 14/03/2023 1:32 am
Topic starter answered:
RE: Unofficial Prusa XL Waiting Thread

I never said that.  I have had a few issues.  I have probably had a dozen discussions by text with support in 5 years.  Each time, I had my printed back online in a day to a weekend. 

Posted by: @zemso

for what reason you need superb support?

prusas dont fail, nobody needs support then.


Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Respondido : 14/03/2023 1:35 am
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