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Prusa Delays  

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Trusted Member
RE: Prusa Delays

Twitter update:



Veröffentlicht : 18/10/2022 5:10 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Prusa Delays

Not sure I like the "no reviewer" part ,...

Veröffentlicht : 18/10/2022 5:23 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Prusa Delays

I don't really use Twitter much, so I could be "holding it wrong" as it were, but, I'm failing to really see any update here. Someone asks why the printer is not good, and the reply is that it's an old one running old firmware. If anything that just makes things worse IMO.

Posted by: @stevq

Twitter update:




Veröffentlicht : 18/10/2022 5:52 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Prusa Delays


Posted by: @stevq

Not sure I like the "no reviewer" part ,...

Doesn’t bother me one bit. Some of the “reviewers” are nothing more than shills. Let real people get them and make videos. Don’t worry, if this thing is bad word will get out.

Mini+MK3S+XL 5 Tool

Veröffentlicht : 18/10/2022 10:10 pm
E For Extrude gefällt das
Noble Member
RE: Prusa Delays

Let's not forget that reviewers could pre-order the XL just like everyone else. I am pretty sure that some of the serious 3dprint youtubers have actually pre-ordered it very early on. Those that are waiting to receive free gifts aren't such a big loss if they don't get them. 

Mk3s MMU2s, Voron 0.1, Voron 2.4

Veröffentlicht : 19/10/2022 6:14 am
E For Extrude und Razor gefällt das
Trusted Member
RE: Prusa Delays

I think Prusa MUST ship out a majority of XL orders next year.  They have to prove to the market they can honor their commitment to their customers. I believe they are currently developing the successor to the MK3S+.  It won't be a bed slinger, or a full CoreXY.  It will probably similar to the Voron Trident which uses lead screws for the z-axis.  It will probably start around $1000.  They have to remain competitive with the advancing market (Bambu).  The XL is not the successor, just a different segment of the product line, such as the Mini+.  We probably won't see anything until Fall 2023.  Prusa will not make the same mistakes they did with the XL preorder.



Veröffentlicht : 21/10/2022 3:42 pm
Win J.
RE: Prusa Delays

Wow, so much negative energy.

Global Supply Chain is still a mess.  Anyone try to source a Raspberry Pi? If automotive manufacturers are stockpiling assembled vehicles waiting on components, it should be no surprise that a 3D printer manufacturer would have sourcing issues.

I saw the “old” version at ERRF 2 weeks ago.  Toolhead changes were clocking in at 5 seconds.  The only issues the machine was having was of the human induced kind from attendees.  

I agree with the poster that Prusa has to get the launch right since the XL shares a common design with the AFS, which is also getting a showing at FormNext.

To the poster who questioned the wisdom of not shipping preview units before orders?  The much touted Bambu is in the hands of reviewers before Kickstarter backers have received theirs.  Think that is right?

Veröffentlicht : 22/10/2022 1:41 pm
Win J.
RE: Prusa Delays

Wow, so much negative energy.

Global Supply Chain is still a mess.  Anyone try to source a Raspberry Pi? If automotive manufacturers are stockpiling assembled vehicles waiting on components, it should be no surprise that a 3D printer manufacturer would have sourcing issues.

I saw the “old” version at ERRF 2 weeks ago.  Toolhead changes were clocking in at 5 seconds.  The only issues the machine was having was of the human induced kind from attendees.  

I agree with the poster that Prusa has to get the launch right since the XL shares a common design with the AFS, which is also getting a showing at FormNext.

To the poster who questioned the wisdom of not shipping preview units before orders?  The much touted Bambu is in the hands of reviewers before Kickstarter backers have received theirs.  Think that is right?

Veröffentlicht : 22/10/2022 1:48 pm
Eric E
RE: Prusa Delays

Yeah, not understanding the negative energy here either. Pretty darn sure nobody wants to ship an XL more than Prusa.

I put a deposit down last year, and am being patient.  Being noisy and pouty won’t make my machine ship any quicker.  When Prusa is ready, it will show up at my door. Until then my MK3 is keeping me amused and busy, and making a few coins. 

Peace out,

Don’t trust forum advice.

Veröffentlicht : 22/10/2022 2:31 pm
Du gefällt das
Estimable Member
RE: Prusa Delays

If you're going to try to draw comparisons, at least do it properly.
Bambu Lab shipped most of the reviewer samples before the kickstarter even went live. Since they're a new entrant into the space, they can't abuse previously-made good standing. If they had just released a kickstarter with stock footage and not as much hands-on from real life folks, I don't think it would have been as successful.  The reviewers were part of their campaign for getting advertising and brand recognition, and it worked super well.
Prusa, on the other hand, shouldn't need to do that, as they as a known quantity - in other words, they don't need to build trust or their brand name.

Both approaches have merit and draw back, and have appropriate times for being used. Pretending the situations are equal, and therefore, Bambu Lab being "wrong", is silly, at best.

Posted by: @win-j

To the poster who questioned the wisdom of not shipping preview units before orders?  The much touted Bambu is in the hands of reviewers before Kickstarter backers have received theirs.  Think that is right?


Veröffentlicht : 22/10/2022 3:44 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Prusa Delays

People are frustrated, and, quiet honestly, just wanting communication. I think we're all understanding of the global issues. But going months and months on end, and getting nothing in terms of updates, and watching the company be socially very active otherwise, is rightfully being called out as inappropriate behavior. Prusa themselves acknowledged this in their last post, so, the point can hardly be debated. However, despite their assurances that more updates would be coming quickly, that appears to not be reality... so not only have their failed to communicate, they've failed to also do better as Prusa has promised. What you see manifesting here is, as the saying goes, Prusa "reaping what they sowed".

Posted by: @eric-e

Yeah, not understanding the negative energy here either. Pretty darn sure nobody wants to ship an XL more than Prusa.

I put a deposit down last year, and am being patient.  Being noisy and pouty won’t make my machine ship any quicker.  When Prusa is ready, it will show up at my door. Until then my MK3 is keeping me amused and busy, and making a few coins. 

Peace out,


Veröffentlicht : 22/10/2022 3:47 pm
E For Extrude gefällt das
Win J.

But, several reviewers have received machines after the Kickstarter campaign ended and after the initial shipments started.  Per Bambu they have shipped just over half of the units as of their September update.  I may be wrong but I know of 3 YouTubers who got machines in August or later.  That was what I based my comment on.

Veröffentlicht : 22/10/2022 3:52 pm
Estimable Member

Me, personally, I am OK with that (and would be is Prusa chose to as well). A dozen or so units doesn't drastically shift the delivery timetables in either case. And I know at least two reviewers who were backers, and got their machines that way (they're both pretty active in the Discord, is how I know).

Posted by: @win-j

But, several reviewers have received machines after the Kickstarter campaign ended and after the initial shipments started.  Per Bambu they have shipped just over half of the units as of their September update.  I may be wrong but I know of 3 YouTubers who got machines in August or later.  That was what I based my comment on.


Veröffentlicht : 22/10/2022 4:06 pm
E For Extrude
Eminent Member
RE: Prusa Delays

VERY well said. That is my feeling exactly.

Posted by: @selta

People are frustrated, and, quiet honestly, just wanting communication. I think we're all understanding of the global issues. But going months and months on end, and getting nothing in terms of updates, and watching the company be socially very active otherwise, is rightfully being called out as inappropriate behavior. Prusa themselves acknowledged this in their last post, so, the point can hardly be debated. However, despite their assurances that more updates would be coming quickly, that appears to not be reality... so not only have their failed to communicate, they've failed to also do better as Prusa has promised. What you see manifesting here is, as the saying goes, Prusa "reaping what they sowed".


Veröffentlicht : 22/10/2022 4:19 pm
Selta gefällt das
Estimable Member
RE: Prusa Delays

Exactly. There seems to be a misunderstanding here that the ones complaining are blaming prusa for the global problem in delays. Most people including me are blaming prusa for there lack of information and updates. Last time after a longggggg time of silence, they admitted that they took a long time informing the prepaid orders for the reasons of the delays. And after that they went silent again. Even if no major changes are occurring, a brief update will still make a difference. We don't expect them to solve the supply chain problem but we do expect them to solve their communications one. In a new post today i noticed someone mentioning Q2 2023. I don't know if that's true but its really disrespectful to prepaid customers if that's the case and we learn it from posts in a forum. Isn't this worth as an update?

Also the approach that some have, that "withdraw your preorder deposit and everything its fine and don't complain"  is as naive as st_pid (pardon my french). When someone pays a deposit is not just the money. Its the whole scheduling around that specific order. For someone a 3d printer is a toy, for others part of their work for others a gift. The lack of communication about a delay that seems it may stretch to almost a year is evidence that a company is getting harder to trust. I mean there are blog and vlogs all the time from prusa about trivial things. How hard is a paragraph saying " Guys we are sorry. We still have a problem with our Power supplies or something. Shipping times moved to Q2 2023"

And just to to clarify something i have an MK3S - mmu2s and an SL1 (updated to S) with the curing station. I'm not a troll against prusa but neither a blind fanboy .

Posted by: @selta

People are frustrated, and, quiet honestly, just wanting communication. I think we're all understanding of the global issues. But going months and months on end, and getting nothing in terms of updates, and watching the company be socially very active otherwise, is rightfully being called out as inappropriate behavior. Prusa themselves acknowledged this in their last post, so, the point can hardly be debated. However, despite their assurances that more updates would be coming quickly, that appears to not be reality... so not only have their failed to communicate, they've failed to also do better as Prusa has promised. What you see manifesting here is, as the saying goes, Prusa "reaping what they sowed".

Posted by: @eric-e

Yeah, not understanding the negative energy here either. Pretty darn sure nobody wants to ship an XL more than Prusa.

I put a deposit down last year, and am being patient.  Being noisy and pouty won’t make my machine ship any quicker.  When Prusa is ready, it will show up at my door. Until then my MK3 is keeping me amused and busy, and making a few coins. 

Peace out,



Veröffentlicht : 23/10/2022 9:26 am
MileHigh3Der und E For Extrude gefällt das
Honorable Member
RE: Prusa Delays


For someone a 3d printer is a toy, for others part of their work for others a gift. The lack of communication about a delay that seems it may stretch to almost a year is evidence that a company is getting harder to trust. I mean there are blog and vlogs all the time from prusa about trivial things. How hard is a paragraph saying " Guys we are sorry. We still have a problem with our Power supplies or something. Shipping times moved to Q2 2023"


They also launched this in the middle of the global supply crunch.  If they had taken orders in Jan or Feb of 2020, I would understand.  

I get the feeling that they just don't care. Not uncommon.  People through their hands up in the air claim 'COVID'.  We don't even really get that.

--Sidebar, when Prusa sells out, all his people are going to get whacked.  The way that they have handled this- and more importantly the AFS farm concept for institutional users, they have shown their hobby roots and will get whacked by the pro logistics and project people.


By the time we get our XLs., they should be called the nextXLs, since it is about enough time for GEN2 of the XL series.

Veröffentlicht : 23/10/2022 11:42 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Prusa Delays

Agree with milling feature is bull.

It is exact opposite process of additive manufacturing. While milling there is a ton of trash, woodchips and sawdust (or metal particles). The case and internal components needs to be build for such operation. If you have printer at home, there will be dust everywhere.

Other options:

I believe the laser engraver (questionably cutter) is best for such implementation - however cutter is questionable, for cutting plexi or other materials you will require at least 40W CO laser, and I dont see an option to implement it in XL. So most probably there will be only an engraving laser (blue), which can cut light and opaque materials like cardboard.
Also the plotter cutter or painter (cmyk) with special brushes and ink can be good alternative for someone (caligraphy) 

Veröffentlicht : 24/10/2022 6:12 am
Eminent Member
RE: Prusa Delays

I think, the delay on XL has several reasons

of course, Global Supply Chain problems, COVID,....
but on the other side my impression is, that Prusa wants to hide with such arguments that the development of the XL is simply not ready yet!
Seems they have technical problems, too.
There is always information that they continue to improve the firmware (not stable right now?), and that they still change fundamental features (e.g. Cycloid gearbox canceled)

Veröffentlicht : 24/10/2022 7:53 am
Chris Barnes
Eminent Member
RE: Prusa Delays

Being an etailer it has been difficult for me to procure more than just electronics but now certain filaments from specific manufacturers.  Still waiting…..   any new dev diaries?

Veröffentlicht : 25/10/2022 4:37 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Prusa Delays

Well, basically 3 months since the last update at this point. Really disappointed in Prusa for not keeping to their word about being better for updates to backers/preorders.

Veröffentlicht : 04/11/2022 7:09 am
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