Unload filament from PrusaConnect?
My computer and my printer are not at the same location. I would appreciate a button in PrusaConnect to initiate "unload filament" in the control tab.
Is there any work around from Prusaconnect?
I know I could set a custom g-code in my profle but I don't always want to do so and tend to forget about it before launching a print.
If you are unloading filament you need to be with the printer to remove the spool ... if anything remote unloading controls would add difficulties.
RE: Unload filament from PrusaConnect?
Thanks, but I want to initiate filament unloading so I just have to remove the spool when I get to the printer instead of reheating the nozzle and wait next to it.
I know I can do it with M702 but I tend to forget to add it on the last print.