Telemetry on Prusa Connect
I connected my MK4 to Prusa Connect, everything seems to be working so far, except for the telemetry of the printer.
Nothing is shown and I can't quite figure out why. Prusa Link shows me temperatures just fine.
Any advice where to begin?
Maybe there's some setting I'm missing? I saw there are settings to send data to Grafana, but that seems to be different thing.
Telemetry with other data is sent to PrusaConnect, and thus it is there where it may have issues in showing it in web UI or mobile app.
The endpoint underneath is split to some sub services and apparently telemetry is broken (recently camera images were broken).
Not much you can do about it.
From your side you could clear browser cache, experiment with the different browser, check ad/script blockers or re-register the printer.
See my GitHub and for some 3d stuff that you may like.
RE: Telemetry on Prusa Connect
I also feel that telemetry is unreliable... both my Prusa Mini + and MK4S are showing telemetry data... sometimes...
RE: Telemetry on Prusa Connect
The telemetry decided to show up since 10-15 minutes ago.
I somewhat like the print query, but overall this feels like it (Prusa Connect) should be running locally in my network 🙂
RE: Telemetry on Prusa Connect
My telemetry has mostly worked until recently. It just stopped showing up on connect (everything 'blank'). All other aspects of Connect seem to work. Using Chrome browser via Wi-Fi to PC and MK4 connected with LAN.
Any suggestions . . .