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Layer shifted  

Active Member
Layer shifted

I printed 4 prints (bgcode) on MK4IS fw. 5.1.2. On the third one, the Y-axis layer shifted 10 minutes before the end. The belts were tight, the gears were clean, the print was firmly glued to the pad. The next print was again fine. The only thing I can think of - at the time of the failure, I was checking the print status using PrusaLink. Has anyone had a similar experience?

Posted : 21/12/2023 1:37 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Layer shifted

Yes, I had a similar experience regarding input shaping. However I had some plastic pieces on the z-axis and after cleaning I haven't experience it so far again, so I'm not sure if it was the plastic pieces or input shaping itself. I don't think that using PrusaLink would cause anything as it's running in a separate thread. There are some issues with multi extruder and prusalink which might cause a blackout of the display, but that is already addressed and will likely be fixed in the next release.

Posted : 22/12/2023 8:44 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Layer shifted

Thank you for the advice, the malfunction did not manifest itself after another 20 hours of printing. I'm going to assume it was an accidental error.

Posted : 22/12/2023 9:29 am
Reputable Member
RE: Layer shifted

Actually on my mk3 I had a layer shift of about 20 mm half way through a print then after maybe 10 layers it shifted back to its original location. This sounds like a software bug as an errant belt would not have returned to the exact same position. 

i3 Mk3 [aug 2018] upgrade>>> i3MK3/S+[Dec 2023]

Posted : 23/12/2023 3:44 am
RE: Layer shifted

I had layer shifts several times, thinking something is wrong with the filament role. Yesterday the layer shift happened with the Y-achse, so I'm sure it was not depending on a filament issue. Really crazy, it happened sometimes after hours printing.

Posted : 05/01/2024 7:20 am
Active Member
RE: Layer shifted

I had a suspicion on why, then actually witnessed a layer shift in action. For me, layer shifts are happening when the nozzle impacts the print, usually the infill. In stead of ripping the print off, most times the impact is transmitted to the steel sheet, which then makes the whole plate slide ever so slightly on the magnetic bed. The print head will usually detect the collision, reset, then start printing. The problem is, since the sheet moved the physical print is no longer exactly aligned with the coordinate plane anymore (its not in the same place and the layer shift is equal to the plate shift amount and direction). 


If you have a layer shift, check your print history and see if there was a collision. The fix for me is usually tuning the filament.  Hope this helps.

Posted : 22/01/2024 4:31 am
Rui Guerra
Eminent Member
RE: Layer shifted

Yesterday I've tried to print the same model again (this is the fourth attempt), hopping that the new configuration had solved the problem. I even decreased the print speed from 200 to 150, in hopes that this time it will work. Always in Structural mode and IS.

But unfortunately layer shifting occurred again, again in X-axis, again towards the left side and again by roughly the same amount (1 cm aprox.). The difference now is that it happened latter in the model print.

So, if anyone has found a solution for this, it will be highly appreciated.

Here are some photos:

Posted : 24/01/2024 12:36 pm