Dimple in face both before and after color change
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Dimple in face both before and after color change  

Dimple in face both before and after color change

I'm running the most recent Mini+ 5.1.2 firmware and slicing with Prusa Slicer 2.7.1 on Windows 11 and for the most part my prints are coming out fine. I was experimenting with multi-color by layer and have found a consistent problem that occurs no matter the STL or how sliced:

As the final layer of the first color completes, the print head locates to a position on the face of the object and then lowers into the face to create an approximate 1mm "dimple". Then is raises and resets to allow filament change. Once the filament change is complete and the Continue option is selected, the print head returns back to the precise spot where it left the dimple and again depresses about 1mm into the existing face and then leaves a tiny extrusion of the new color. Then it moves to the actual place it wants to begin extruding the new color. 

The image below shows example of the "dimple". For reference the white layer is 2mm and the red is 1mm so you can see the imprint from the nozzle goes down almost 1mm fully into the face of the print.

Any ideas?

Posted : 19/12/2023 4:11 pm
Topic starter answered:
RE: Dimple in face both before and after color change

I did find a solution/workaround. I found that the issue is due to the g-code command M600 (color change). I added some custom g-code to the Printer Settings for the color change command that moved the nozzle to an x,y location away from the print before it executed M600. This forces the nozzle dip/raise to occur in the air instead of on the print and causing dimple.

Posted : 19/12/2023 7:49 pm