Problem printing with Fillamentum CPE HG100 - Part split in thin area after printing because of tension
I’m in the process of printing parts for the MPCNC with a prusa mini+. Most parts I print with PLA, works pretty well, no problems so far.
The parts from the MPCNC are printed by thousands all over the world.
Some critical parts I print in CPE.
Prusa mini+, Fillamentum CPE HG100, Prusa Slicer with HG100 preset, 0.5mm nozzle
But there is a problem, Just after printing two parts “cracked”. One while removing from the printer, the other when applying just the slightest stress with my hands. A spilt formed over the holes (see image). It seems there was tension in the parts. The part is horribly thin there, so that certainly didn’t help, nevertheless, those parts "work", the are generally well developed by V1 for the MPCNC.
The print was stuck to the smooth surface like crazy. (printing on the textured surface didn't stick) . In fact, it stuck so much to the surface, it removed some of the lamination from the print-surface when it finally got loose.
I don't know why there is tension on the parts, which made it snap like this, maybe the whole part is somewhat warped? But it doesn't fill me with trust in CPE printing for now.
Any advice?