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Print the Front Y Axis  

New Member
Print the Front Y Axis

Hi All,

My front Y plate broke when I installed the base. Prusa send me a new STL, (I see the design changed, maybe because others broke as well) and said I must print .2mm and 20% infill, PETG 80 Bed 240 nozzle. The first time I rint it on the X axis and the left side lifted up, still sticking to the bed , but not flat. I then printed it Y direction, same happend but not as bad. Then I printed it 45 , same happed but not as bad as the previous 2. Everytime it stuck to the bed BUT the one side of the plate lifted up. I printed on the textured plate with hairspray. When it bacame cold it popped of. How can I let the print stay flat?

Posted : 07/09/2021 4:18 pm
Famed Member

Hair spray? How barbaric. 

I actually just printed two copies (with dual color) of the front y plate yesterday, using Prusament PETG orange and black. No problem. 

If a) you've cleaned the sheet thoroughly with hot water and soap and b) your first layer calibration is good, I wouldn't expect adhesion issues. 

Here are a few approaches that have worked for me for warping of large rectangular parts:

  • Slow down print speed.
  • Add mickey mouse ears to the corners. You can add a cylindrical part in PrusaSlicer, maybe 10mm diameter, change height to single layer height, then place the part at the corner. Repeat for each corner.
  • Add a brim around the model, 5 mm or more.
  • Use Layerneer Bed Weld ( You only need a thin layer.
  • If you have design control over your part and it's possible considering the intended use, you can try to round the edges and/or add holes to the base of the model. Clearly not applicable here. 
  • Combination of above.

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 07/09/2021 11:05 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Print the Front Y Axis

Thank you, I will use th brim and slow down the speeds

Posted : 08/09/2021 2:54 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Print Y plate Front


Last question. Fan speeds first layer  and then maximum fan speed during the print. I read as much as I could on PETG . I think fan is on 30%



Posted : 08/09/2021 4:38 am
Famed Member

Just start with the Generic PETG or Prusament PETG profile in PrusaSlicer. It'll set the fan speed to what PETG needs. 

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 08/09/2021 10:48 am