Print not extruding
Hi guys,
Attempting my first print, nothing is printing. The printer is moving around like it is printing, however aside from a few stringy blobs of filament, nothing is coming out of the nozzle.
Literally minutes before my print, the first layer calibration printed ok, so the nozzle is working.
Any ideas as to what can be wrong?
RE: Print not extruding
Can you provide more details? Perhaps pictures?
Did you try printing a custom item you sliced in PrusaSlicer (or similar), or did you try printing one of the items that are on the included USB flash drive?
RE: Print not extruding
Sorry I did try to attach pictures originally, however these pages dont display correctly on my iphone and the upload button was off the screen.
I found the problem in the end, the filament had jammed in the sensor and so wasnt pulling through. I unloaded it, cut out the kinked section and re-loaded, all has been good ever since.