Object exceeds print volume with small object
This is a strange one indeed. I have printed a bunch of stuff on my printer over the years, but this one is a no go. I'm trying to print the stl file below on my mini and it keeps going outside the print area on the probe calibration. Even when trying octoprint it shows the error message about travelling outside the print area.
I thought it was the machine itself so i redid the calibration wizard and printed a different stl sliced in prusa slicer (2.5.2) and it works great. Every other file i have printed has no issues.
I have tried to manually move the object into the center of the bed and even right clicked and fix with netfab....still has issues during the probe going outside. The printer profile is setup correctly to mini.
Could someone check this file and let me know if they get the same issues?
stl file: [c]_Stealth_Bed_Diffuser.stl
the 3mf file is attached too.
thanks for the help.
edit: this also happens when trying to manually print the file via usb.
RE: Object exceeds print volume with small object
No problems here.
When importing the stl file, the object is placed in the middle of the bed with me.
After slicing a usable G-code file.
yeah, it looks like it's positioned in the middle of the bed, but when it actually prints, it's off by a about a good inch. Thats if i can make it past the probe section without it travelling outside....I will upgrade prusaslicer and try printing out again and see what happens. thanks for taking the time to slice and reply.
I don't see a 3mf file, only the STL, which is not as useful for diagnosing the issue.
EDIT: 3mf files have to be zip compressed or the forum software will silently reject it. Why, god knows. We've asked for this for years...
Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...
RE: Object exceeds print volume with small object
thanks for the info, i did wonder why it would not upload correctly. here you go.
RE: Object exceeds print volume with small object
I just printed the file on one of my Minis. No issues at all, perfectly centered. I was using PS 2.6 but I don't see how that would make a difference. I'm out of ideas…
Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...
RE: Object exceeds print volume with small object
hmmmmmm. ok, now that makes me think its the machine itself. let me try another calibration wizard and then print on the usb slicing with the latest PS. thank you for confirming.
RE: Object exceeds print volume with small object
would you be able to slice this file with the current settings for me and upload the gcode please? If this works then its something corrupted in the slicer... thank you.
RE: Object exceeds print volume with small object
Here it is, sliced with PS 2.6. Not that some of the changed settings make much sense to me…
Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...