Line in layer of my print turned into a crack - Troublshooting pointers?
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Line in layer of my print turned into a crack - Troublshooting pointers?  

Active Member
Line in layer of my print turned into a crack - Troublshooting pointers?

Hey all,

New to the hobby but having a lot of fun. Built my Mini+ from a kit a few weeks ago and after some tuning have printed a dozen or so things with pretty consistent results that I've been happy with. 

I tried printing the following box ( 12cm version) on my mini using PLA+ filament, all went well but on the box top I noticed a slight indent in one of the layers (pic included), and sure enough the box top cracked along that line (2nd pic). Just curious if this is an obvious problem that suggests changes before trying to re-print.

In terms of settings, I just selected the "generic PLA" filament profile, and all other settings are default.


Posted : 24/01/2025 5:41 am
Illustrious Member

It's a little hard to judge but the bottom of the print in the picture isn't straight - this *might* be barrel distortion in your camera lens but I suspect warping.

The box wall is only 2mm thick, about the thinnest that will print cleanly but leaving room for only four extrusions, not really enough to cover for errors.  I suspect a minor interruption of flow, a temporary partial clog or similar, created a weak spot and warping stresses exploited it.

Try printing again but this time make sure to protect the printer from cold air/drafts and assess afterwards.  I would be surprised if there is another flaw at the same level but preventing the warp should greatly reduce the stresses.


Posted : 24/01/2025 5:38 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Line in layer of my print turned into a crack - Troublshooting pointers?

Thanks! This is a helpful pointer, I'll do some reading up and give it a shot!

Posted : 25/01/2025 5:44 am