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Issue with Prusament PETG on new Mini+ (Benchy)  

James J
New Member
Issue with Prusament PETG on new Mini+ (Benchy)

Hi there,

I bought a Mini+ a few weeks ago, along with a spool of PLA. I'm completely new to 3d printing but was able to youtube my way to some succcessful prints using that PLA without much hassle. I printed so much random stuff that I went through the whole spool. 

However, I ended up picking up the Prusa multi-pack of 4 PETG spools and now I'm having some issues that I'm not sure how to fix. 

The 3d calibration with the PETG went fine - I set the Z offset at -1.750, the same as it was with my PLA. However, when I tried to print a benchy model using the stock PETG settings in the slicer, I noticed this issue with the bow of the benchy: 

I've tried:

Reducing the Z offset to 1.5 (failed print)

Increasing the Z offset to 1.9 (issue persisted)

Reducing the max temperature by 20 degrees, since I saw a post on here somewhere that recommended that (failed print)

Reducing the speed (issue persisted)

The rest of the model seems fine - the issue is only on that portion of the bow.

I'm at a loss - previous issues I worked through had to do with initial layer adhesion with PLA and I managed to figure that out, but this seems different. 

Any help much appreciated. 

Posted : 26/10/2021 4:50 pm
Active Member

Try to slice benchy in different direction, turn ariund on plate.

Petg does not like overhangs ir brigding. So might be cooling issue here.

Also dont print with layer height lower that 0.2 on o.4 nozzle with petg. If you print benchy from usb prusa, thats is 0.15. Try downloading and slicing your own benchy at 0.2

Posted : 27/10/2021 4:16 am

That almost looks like an overhanging issue but it does not happen at the door.  Strange.


  1. adjust print cooling fan

  2. add extra perimeters

  3. reduce your perimeter speed.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Posted : 27/10/2021 9:42 am
New Member
RE: Issue with Prusament PETG on new Mini+ (Benchy)

I am seeing the exact same problem.  I have already tried adding extra perimeters and reducing my perimeter speed.  I'm not sure *how* you are suggesting that I adjust the fan -- up or down?  By how much?

I am also getting a very weak connection between the smokestack and the roof of the pilot house -- it breaks right off.

This is my second mini -- my first wore out after two years of continual use.  I don't recall having this problem with the first mini.

Posted : 11/07/2022 4:37 am
RE: Issue with Prusament PETG on new Mini+ (Benchy)


Posted by: @gdalya

I am seeing the exact same problem.  I have already tried adding extra perimeters and reducing my perimeter speed.  I'm not sure *how* you are suggesting that I adjust the fan -- up or down?  By how much?

I am also getting a very weak connection between the smokestack and the roof of the pilot house -- it breaks right off.

This is my second mini -- my first wore out after two years of continual use.  I don't recall having this problem with the first mini.

You just have to experiment with the settings till you get them right.  I only change one setting at a time.  

Did you wear a mini out?  That is odd.  I have five now.  Four are over two years old and still kicking.  They are printing nearly continuously.  I am sure you could get more life out of the first one.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Posted : 11/07/2022 9:45 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Issue with Prusament PETG on new Mini+ (Benchy)

Did you wear a mini out?  That is odd.  I have five now.  Four are over two years old and still kicking.

I'm also wondering what "worn out" means. My Minis are true workhorses, like their bigger brethren. 

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 11/07/2022 11:10 am