First layer, only one model ?
I am having an issue where my first layer of a specific model always miss a corner.
Even if I flip the print around, it's always the same corner of the print (and not of the printer)
If I let the print go on, everything past the first layer is good!
I am really lost and I can't understand what's going on. Bed is level, first layer print is set up properly..
If anyone have any idea, I am up to try!
I attached the stl file as well. It's always the bottom right corner when you put the biggest flat part on the bed (see screenshot)
I ran into my fair share of first layer issue, but never one like this.. it sound like my model is bad, but I attached it so you guys can see, it's actually flawless..
If anyone have any idea on what's going on, please let me know 🙂
RE: First layer, only one model ?
I believe there is really something funky going on with the stl.. I made the model 1% smaller and it print perfectly fine xD
RE: First layer, only one model ?
..So as an update, I remade the part from scratch. Same size. Same filament, same printer setting. It print fine. I retry the defective stl, it fail. I think my printer just really hate this particular stl. I'm uterly confused about the situation, but well, everything is finen ow I guess.
The STL didn't make it - you need to zip it first for this forum...
But my bet is on the model not being quite flat on the bottom, or not being level - try the Place on face button in PrusaSlicer to make sure it is level.