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Y-Axis Squeaking  

New Member
Y-Axis Squeaking

I've heard that some squeaking in the axises can be normal with a fresh printer but is there anyway to help it along? I get a decent amount of Y squeak for 3/5s of the middle of the bed. Any recommendations?


Best Answer by Meimei:

Hey slumlorde I also had this problem, it was so annoying it made me want to die. Fixed it by loosening the y belt, taking out the pulley (not the side with the motor, the other side), greasing up the sides of the pulley with some of the included grease and putting it back. I'm pretty sure the sound was from the sides of the pulley rubbing the 3D printed pulley holder. Hope this helps.

This topic was modified 5 years ago by Slumlorde
Posted : 29/06/2020 12:21 pm
New Member
RE: Y-Axis Squeaking

Hey slumlorde I also had this problem, it was so annoying it made me want to die. Fixed it by loosening the y belt, taking out the pulley (not the side with the motor, the other side), greasing up the sides of the pulley with some of the included grease and putting it back. I'm pretty sure the sound was from the sides of the pulley rubbing the 3D printed pulley holder. Hope this helps.

Posted : 07/07/2020 8:45 pm
Mark B
Active Member
RE: Y-Axis Squeaking

Thanks for a pointer in the right direction ashley3120. I had the same issue perhaps not as bad.

For me just loosening and then re-tightening the pulley screw was enough to silence the mouse within.

Posted : 12/07/2020 10:18 am
Active Member
RE: Y-Axis Squeaking

I've seen reference to aligning the belts to get rid of the wobble, which gets rid of the squeek. My Y-axis is also noisy, I've just been trying not to touch an otherwise perfectly working machine until I'm done some important prints.

Posted : 26/07/2020 8:03 pm