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Weird behaviour mid-print, then stops printing  

Active Member
Weird behaviour mid-print, then stops printing

Hi all,

I'm having some problems with my Purse Mini today. I got my mini about two months ago, no real problems. Today, it started behaving weird with two different prints I did, (two different models). Between these two, I've printed another model, which went great.. Let me describe the behaviour:

  1. The printing starts just fine, but after about 2 layers the head suddenly goes to it's extreme x-position, then back, then goes up in the z-directing.
  2. After that it starts squirting a load of PLA, again some weird x-axis behaviour, it goes back to it's original position (the last one where it printed properly)
  3. Then it kinda resumes printing, without depositing material, only to stop after one round. After that it just stops doing anything. I've the last bit of it on tape, I'll add it to this topic.

Last couple of seconds of the faulty print

The Lcd doesn't show any error, and there's nothing weird to see in the messages page. I've generated the gcode from an STL with PrusaSlicer, I've added the gcode, and 3mf file to the topic. I downloaded the STL from PrusaPrinters, from a pretty popular model (so I'm sure it's not in the model itself). As I said before, it also happened with a completely different model.

I also made a crash dump after it failed, no idea if it's any worth.

I hope someone has an idea what the cause of this is, I'm kinda clueless.

Thanks, Marcel

Posted : 20/03/2022 6:47 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Weird behaviour mid-print, then stops printing

That's indeed curious. I'm tempted to think there's something going on with the gcode but the 3mf and gcode files weren't attached to the post. You've got to zip the 3mf file or the forum software won't accept it. 

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 20/03/2022 10:44 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Weird behaviour mid-print, then stops printing

Thanks for your reply fuchsr.

I've uploaded the crash dump and gcode+3mf zip, see them below.

gcode and 3mf files

Posted : 21/03/2022 7:13 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:

I noticed the video in the opening post isn't showing up, so posting it again:

Edited by Joan Tabbs, Moderator

This post was modified 3 years ago 2 times by Marcel
Posted : 23/03/2022 4:00 pm
Member Moderator
RE: Weird behaviour mid-print, then stops printing

Does it behave with the same Gcode file the same way in other prints as well?

Can you pls share FW version? 

even an old man can learn new things 🙂
Standard I3 mk3s, MMU2S, Prusa Enclosure, Fusion 360, PrusaSlicer, Windows 10
PRUSA MINI+ Prusalink + Prusa Connect

Posted : 19/04/2022 12:23 pm
New Member
RE: Weird behaviour mid-print, then stops printing

I have 9 MINI printers and have had those symptoms several times now. I'm pretty sure the problem I'm having is with the flash thumb drives supplied with the printer. Try using a different USB stick.

Also, try saving a second copy of the gcode on your computer, then compare what is on the USB stick after you see this problem. I found the gcode was Ok on the thumb drive before inserting into the printer, then afterwards it had changed.


Posted : 28/04/2022 1:12 am