Unable to print some files from PrusaSlicer
Hi all,
found some nice puzzle in STL format, generated new gcode in my latest prusa slicer 2.2.0 (default settings, no config changes, except the infill type), but I'm not able to print it. When started to print, my Mini shows the print image, but no heating at all, all stopped. I can only stop print. Tried some older prints I did, worked OK, but this new (and new ones I created after) won't print at all. Firmware 4.0.5
gcode file: http://orin.meinlschmidt.org/~znouza/swamp/starpuzzle-new_0.15mm_PETG_MINI_3h28m.gcode.zip
RE: Unable to print some files from PrusaSlicer
Gcode files have to be in the root folder or one level down on the USB stick. You can select a file from two levels down, but it won't print.
Otherwise, try using a different USB stick.
RE: Unable to print some files from PrusaSlicer
Even if I put the file (newly generated) to the very root of the usb stick, it won't print. Any other file is OK.
RE: Unable to print some files from PrusaSlicer
Im having the same problem. I been printing for a couple years and I have never had this issue before.
RE: Unable to print some files from PrusaSlicer
I'm just trying to solve this exact issue. Created new file and it just sits there waiting to be heated up, but expected temperature is set to 0. So nothing is happening. I did created deeper tree. I will try to pus puly that file on tue USB stick. Will see. I cannot print anything right now. Will try to play with the filesystem.
I have come here to chew bubblegum and perfect my MINI ... and I'm all out of bubblegum.
RE: Unable to print some files from PrusaSlicer
Oh my! It really was because of the deeper tree. That's awful bug to be honest!
I have come here to chew bubblegum and perfect my MINI ... and I'm all out of bubblegum.
RE: Unable to print some files from PrusaSlicer
My tree:
- somefile.gcode
- someother.gcode
- somefile.gcode
- Stringing
- somefile.gcode
- somefilenexttosteinging.gcode
I have come here to chew bubblegum and perfect my MINI ... and I'm all out of bubblegum.
RE: Unable to print some files from PrusaSlicer
There are also some discussions/reports concerning USB-trouble on Github: