Slight filament grinding
so I got my Mini for about a week now and noticed my filament is slightly grinded after unloading it. I can feel the surface has some minor dents in it where the extruder grabbed it.
So far, prints are looking nice. Typically I would say never change a running system, but am I running into problems with this and should loosen the extruder tension screw?
BTW, is there a good overview of all the adjustment screws of the mini? Got an assembled one and therefore I am not 100% sure if I identified the correct screw for extruder tension. I was surprised I couldn't find a prusa knowledge base page about it. But maybe I was blind.
RE: Slight filament grinding
Some teeth marks are normal. However, the Mini extruder has a propensity for grinding filament if not properly set up. To find the screw to adjust the tension, see Step 44 in the Mini kit assembly manual:
I’ve found the Mini's original extruder to be too sensitive to the tension on the extruder idler screw for my taste. I ended up replacing it with a Trianglelabs dual drive extruder (a Bondtech clone), and never had any issues again, with more than two dozens filament types and brands.
Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...
RE: Slight filament grinding
Thanks for your answer. When you say some marks are normal, I will leave it like this, since it works fine for now.
Will think about another extruder if I run into problems.
RE: Slight filament grinding
You can always open the extruder and check for filament residue and as needed loosen the idler screw a bit
Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...