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Random filament unloads  

Active Member
Random filament unloads


I just got my Prusa Mini+ and I love it.

But for some reason, it unloads filament mid print, and asks me to change filament.

What can be the reason for this?

I have the filament sensor, so it could be faulty, but I cant know, as the error message is simply "change filament" and the "messages" in the printer LCD do not display anything (it does not even post the message that filament was changed, nevermind the reason.

How can I track this fault down?

Not only is it slightly annoying, it also disturbs my prints, as I am printing with PETG and its not easy for me 🙁

Posted : 12/05/2022 8:00 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Random filament unloads

Make sure you check the obvious: an inadvertently inserted filament change in PrusaSlicer. 

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 12/05/2022 10:02 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Random filament unloads

Doh! There is such a thing? 🙁

Where can I find it?

Posted : 13/05/2022 7:05 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Random filament unloads

Where can I find it?

After slicing a model in PS, go to the Preview. There's a horizontal and a vertical slider bar. When you click on the horizontal slider, a Plus sign will pop up where you clicked that you can use to insert a pause/filament change. They recently wrote a blog post with some good examples for what you can do with that:

May not be the cause of your issue but I for one am certainly known for inadvertently inserting filament swaps…

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 13/05/2022 11:41 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Random filament unloads

Ah, thanks!

I might have inadvertently clicked that when I looked at the layering. I will look for that. Hopefully that was it

Posted : 13/05/2022 3:02 pm
Richard D
Trusted Member
RE: Random filament unloads

I've been suffering from random filament unloads over the last 24 hours, and it's been driving me crackers (I'm against the clock in terms of getting a print done, so random stops overnight have been a PITA).

I first thought that it was clumsy fingers inserting layer changes into the Gcode in the slicer, but as I have just run the same print twice and had unloads at different points it cannot be that.

I'm thinking that it's the filament sensor; I'll try turning that off.

Posted : 09/04/2023 1:21 pm
Richard D
Trusted Member
RE: Random filament unloads

FWIW, I'm pretty sure that my grief was the filament sensor; since taking it out of the loop everything is running fine.

(The problem was manifesting itself with known good filament FWIW; a reel that I have used before without problem)

Posted : 09/04/2023 3:32 pm