Prusa Slicer
Does anyone know if the official slicer has been updated yet?
How does the official slicer compare to other slicers?
My first experience printing was on my brother in-laws printer and it was supported by only 1 software package so I’m keen to learn more about what’s out there and what I should learn to use and what to avoid.
Respect the fact everyone is entitled to have an opinion, you dont have to like it or hate it, just accept its theirs and not yours and you will be ok!
RE: Prusa Slicer
Does anyone know if the official slicer has been updated yet?
Not the stable version which is from september. I could not find any commits in the master branch of the git repository, so it will be updated in the future.
My first experience printing was on my brother in-laws printer and it was supported by only 1 software package so I’m keen to learn more about what’s out there and what I should learn to use and what to avoid.
Generally speaking, the PrusaSlicer is the easiest method of getting your Prusa printer online and it is optimised for your printer. It is very hard to optimise it more than the people who made it, but it should in general be very good out of the box. With my very limited experience in different slicers I can only say, that none worked better and was easier to use than PrusaSlicer. I can, however, recommend at searching the forum or the internet for slicer comparisons, there are a lot of them out there. All3DP does a series of "best of 2019" in different categories, e.g.this one.
RE: Prusa Slicer
PrusaSlicer is out and updated regularly.
It works very well.
and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan
RE: Prusa Slicer
PrusaSlicer is out and updated regularly.
It works very well.
Cool. I read there was a final update thinking support had stopped. Did I misunderstand?
I wonder when the mini will be selectable as a printer in it (if it isn’t already)
Respect the fact everyone is entitled to have an opinion, you dont have to like it or hate it, just accept its theirs and not yours and you will be ok!
RE: Prusa Slicer
PrusaSlicer is out and updated regularly.
It works very well.
Cool. I read there was a final update thinking support had stopped. Did I misunderstand?
I wonder when the mini will be selectable as a printer in it (if it isn’t already)
You misunderstood - the 'final' part of the description would of only referred to that 'group' of releases, ie 'v2.0' or 'v2.1'
RE: Prusa Slicer
Funny story... My local library's tech center (which a friend of mine runs) has a couple LulzBot printers (a Taz6 and a Mini), and they use the LulzBot version of Cura. Recently I created a couple profiles in PrusaSlicer for those printers, but haven't had a chance to tune them so they are currently only "good enough". My friend reported to me that she is starting to do all her slicing in PrusaSlicer because she is getting better prints than from LulzBot Cura (note, LulzBot Cura is still v3.something).
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RE: Prusa Slicer
Currently don't own a printer, got the Mini on order. So ..... thinking I should download Slicer and start learning/playing with it while I wait for my printer to arrive. Does it mater what printer I select when I'm downloading? Can I re-select the Mini when it arrives?
RE: Prusa Slicer
Welcome to the group,
I think I have the latest version of Prusa Slicer, and on my version, the Prusa Mini is not an option yet...
Yes you can deselect whichever printer you choose, today, and replace it with the mini, later
regards Joan
I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK
RE: Prusa Slicer
Maybe. There are some tips and tricks in the slicer. The best way to play with it might be to build an object (I use Fusion 360, but lots of good 3d mod elers are out there), and then import it into Slic3r. Use the [Add] or [Open] item in the menu:
You can ignore most of the rest of the choices at this point (one caveat to follow). Click on the [Slice Now] button (this does the math) and then click on the preview tab:
Now you can play with the sliders to see how the slicer has chopped up your object:
When I said that you can ignore "most" of the other menu items I said there was a caveat. Here it is: As you change the options in the upper right corner of the main screen, you'll change the way the Slic3r does its thing:
You can change the thickness of layers and the fill density. These are the most important things to play with when you don't yet have your printer. Mess around with these, click on [Slice Now] and then go back to the [Preview] tab to see the effect.
There are 237.37 more features you can play with that affect the way your printer makes real things out of models, but until you have your printer, experimenting with them will be hard to appreciate.
Welcome to the community.
My wife and I just did a major remodel in our home and the contractor we worked with was AMAZED at how many problems we could solve with 3d prints. What were we thinking? "Of course, and why doesn't a home remodeler have a 3d printer?"
RE: Prusa Slicer
Does anyone know if the official slicer has been updated yet?
How does the official slicer compare to other slicers?
My first experience printing was on my brother in-laws printer and it was supported by only 1 software package so I’m keen to learn more about what’s out there and what I should learn to use and what to avoid.
Since Prusa printers are open printers that use standard gcode, you can use pretty much any slicer with them. PrusaSlicer is a version of an open-source slicer called Slic3r, with built-in very nice support for Prusa printers. But if you prefer Cura, or Simplify3D, or any of the near-infinite number of other slicers, it ought to work with the MINI if you configure it properly. Historically Prusa has made profiles for their printers for other software, and users certainly share profiles as well, so you're certainly not locked into PrusaSlicer if you prefer something else. But PrusaSlicer is quite nice...
RE: Prusa Slicer
I hope they update it soon. I’m keen to start slicing in preparation for my printer’s arrival. I’m hell keen to start printing.
Respect the fact everyone is entitled to have an opinion, you dont have to like it or hate it, just accept its theirs and not yours and you will be ok!
RE: Prusa Slicer
It would be wonderful for a Prusa employee to post on this thread instead of users. Call it open source, I call it a bunch of hard earned money we have spent on a prusa mini. So a statement as to when the prusa drivers, manuals and slicer updates will be available would be really nice.
According to the sales page, they should be in production and the first units shipping in the next 30 days. So I assume slicers updates and PDF manuals will also be available in the next 30 days.
Status updates? Or close the thread with a pointer to the official announcement?
RE: Prusa Slicer
I'm sure the update will be available on the day the first Mini's ship, which should be any day now, so no big deal.
RE: Prusa Slicer
09. of December according to the latest blog post.
RE: Prusa Slicer
Slicer is up to date and seems to be well. This will be one of the first times I'll use this, coming from cura.
Does anybody of you know if there is a chance to port the Linux version on the rpi3 or 4? Would be a nice little setup with the mini and a 7/10'' Touchscreen. Maybe a standalone system for some kind of enclosure..
It’s better to give than to receive. Especially advice.
RE: Prusa Slicer
Slicer is up to date and seems to be well. This will be one of the first times I'll use this, coming from cura.
Does anybody of you know if there is a chance to port the Linux version on the rpi3 or 4? Would be a nice little setup with the mini and a 7/10'' Touchscreen. Maybe a standalone system for some kind of enclosure..
I've not tried it, but apparently yes (google is your friend) , although not sure if work needs to be done to cover the latest Mini compatible version :
RE: Prusa Slicer
Thanks, already saw that, tried twice a week ago with killing my (backed up) system. Idk if it isn't stable or I made the same mistake twice.
Hope this will keep updated, as I saw there is only the 2.1.0 which does not contain the Mini :/
I think this could be interessting for people wanting an "all in one" system.
It’s better to give than to receive. Especially advice.