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Prusa Mini: stops extruding, starts clicking  

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RE: Prusa Mini: stops extruding, starts clicking


I’ve done those thing already and still no luck. Im honestly out of options at this point I’ve litterly trying everything. cleaning extruder, replacing nozzle, raising the heat break, raising temperatures, and loosening in tightening the tension and still nothing 😤. Im open to ANY advice.

Napsal : 31/03/2021 4:09 am
Eminent Member
RE: Prusa Mini: stops extruding, starts clicking
Posted by: @hu3e

Im open to ANY advice.

I'd check these 2 things:
1) Does the filament run smoothly through its path?
-loosen the extruder tension completely
-remove the nozzle
-now you should be able to move the filament relatively easily by hand through the system
-if not, find the problem
2) Does the extruder pull with reasonable force?
-set the tension according to the guide (iirc screw flush with the housing, when no filament loaded)
-remove the bowden tube on the extruder exit
-now use manuall controlls to pull some filament 
-check if it pulls with enough force
-enough = quite some more than you needed in step 1)  (to push the filament without nozzle)
-if it doesn't, then there's a problem with the extruder


(Especially for the second step: Find, understand and use the g-code to enable cold extrusions.) 

This post was modified před 4 years by MadCyborg
Napsal : 31/03/2021 8:02 am
Trusted Member
RE: Prusa Mini: stops extruding, starts clicking


Sorry you're having issues!  I have found Prusa chat support helpful when things get frustrating.  If you go to the e-shop, you'll see the "chat now" window.

Napsal : 31/03/2021 1:50 pm
Active Member
RE: Prusa Mini: stops extruding, starts clicking



Napsal : 01/04/2021 5:07 am
Active Member
RE: Prusa Mini: stops extruding, starts clicking


Thanks🙏 Ill let you know if it worked.


Napsal : 01/04/2021 5:10 am
Active Member
RE: Prusa Mini: stops extruding, starts clicking
  • This is what all my prints look like and i really need some advice on was too do.
Napsal : 05/04/2021 5:29 am
RE: Prusa Mini: stops extruding, starts clicking

Sounds like a jam.  I often have to do a cold pull.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Napsal : 05/04/2021 8:58 am
Eminent Member
RE: Prusa Mini: stops extruding, starts clicking


The SuperPinda cleared up this problem for me.  The other thing was making sure the extruder was clean and had a good grip on the filament 

Napsal : 05/04/2021 12:53 pm
Active Member
RE: Prusa Mini: stops extruding, starts clicking


I dont think thats the problem because the extruder us actually grinding the filament.  

Napsal : 07/04/2021 11:08 pm
New Member
RE: Prusa Mini: stops extruding, starts clicking

I had massive problems with clicking and lack of material in the nozzle. I checked everything and finally it worked by using another filament. The one that did not work was PLA original from Prusa, only a couple of months old. 

I will try if with a higher temperature it works, but I lost all my patience and time. Very annonying this issue.

Napsal : 15/12/2021 1:52 pm
Active Member
RE: Prusa Mini: stops extruding, starts clicking

Hi, sorry to be the necromancer and raise this thread from the dead.

My problem was my extruder pulley was clogged with debris, causing it to not grab onto filament correctly, as well as the idler not being screwed in properly.

Solution: By cleaning the extruder pulley and pushing in my idler completely and making the screw flush with the plastic, the clicking noise and underextrusion have gone away.

Guides to both:

Napsal : 27/08/2022 7:38 pm
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