Prusa Mini crashed and restarted during print, brand new printer
yesterday i got my new Mini Printer. I did some test prints and everything went fine.
Then i started a 2d 22hr print and paused it before i go to sleep.
the next day, i continued the print, but after ~20mins, the printer just rebooted right in front of my eyes without any errors.
after the crash, i was unable to continue printing.
I'm not sure what caused the crash, maybe someone can help me. The printer is brand new.
gcode file:
Is impossible to say why printer reset itself.. could be there was a very short power outage form wall (which caused printer to reboot), or there's a bad contact on some power connector on main board etc. Anyway, I assume it's power related.
I would stick with smaller (shorter time) prints for first few days and go for bigger project after I'm sure printer is reliable.
[Mini+] [MK3S+BEAR]