Printed components keep falling off supports mid-print?
I've been using a Prusa Mini+ happily for several months now. However I noticed that for certain types of curvy prints that are nearly 100% on supports, small pieces start to fall off and damage/ruin the 3D prints.
Here's my latest example of this failure, with arrows pointing to where the fallen parts should be:
I'm using a .25 nozzle with the Prusa factory settings in PrusaSlicer. What can I do to help prevent this from happening? Should I...
A) Increase nozzle temperature
B) Pull back Z-axis calibration so there's less contact between print and nozzle
C) Decrease print speed
D) Something else?
RE: Printed components keep falling off supports mid-print?
In my opinion D) something else
try experimenting with the Support section in PrusaSlicer.
Modify the Z contact distance and try changing the pattern angle (like 45°) and interface loops.
I'm not an expert. Ma parlo anche italiano 😉