Nozzle and Print Bed Keep Heating After Filament Unload or Filament Load
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Nozzle and Print Bed Keep Heating After Filament Unload or Filament Load  

Klaus Krämer
Eminent Member
Nozzle and Print Bed Keep Heating After Filament Unload or Filament Load

As my new Prusa Mini+ is an addition to my first filament printer (UM3) I am wondering why unloading or loading filament is

  • accompanied by heating the print bed
  • followed by steadily heating the nozzle AND print bed, after filament has been loaded or unloaded

I cannot see the purpose (and the UM3 only heats the nozzle for the sole process of filament loading)

Posted : 30/11/2022 6:28 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Nozzle and Print Bed Keep Heating After Filament Unload or Filament Load

Well, you're not alone wondering. I can see the point of keeping the nozzle at operating temperature because more often than not you may load another filament to continue. (plus, it will turn heating off after a while anyway). But heating the bed feels like a waste of energy.

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 30/11/2022 12:04 pm
Klaus Krämer
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Nozzle and Print Bed Keep Heating After Filament Unload or Filament Load

I had been waiting for about 20 minutes, but I lost patience then and pressed the reset button ...

Ok, your thought about color change isn't so farfetched, but even then the firmware should know whether a print is pending or not.

Posted : 30/11/2022 12:31 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Nozzle and Print Bed Keep Heating After Filament Unload or Filament Load

I've been wondering for years 🤥 Prusa uses the Mini in a print farm. So they probably profit themselves but for normal users this is only waisting energy.

Posted : 05/12/2022 8:53 am
Active Member

I know this is an old post, but i'm having the same problem, after unloading and loading new filament, my prusa mk3/s does not cool down, if that's how it should work - how long does it take for printer to "understand" that its not printing anything and start cooling down? atm after i load new filament i press the reset button, but it feels like a hack 🙁

Posted : 03/01/2024 5:33 pm
Illustrious Member

I don't know the Mini but:

after unloading and loading new filament, my prusa mk3/s does not cool down

the last entry in the Preheat menu is Cooldown...

'though I have trouble thinking of a reason to cooldown after loading. 


Posted : 03/01/2024 7:55 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Nozzle and Print Bed Keep Heating After Filament Unload or Filament Load

With newer firmware there's also an option under User Interface not to heat the bed during filament changes.  

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 03/01/2024 8:00 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Nozzle and Print Bed Keep Heating After Filament Unload or Filament Load

Maybe we could have an additional menu position: "Unload filament and stop printing"?

Posted : 03/01/2024 8:08 pm