Need help with under extrusion!
My MK3S started having an issue with under extrusion. It seems to start the print out just fine but then eventually just stops extruding as you can see in the pictures below. I also found that it won't unload the filament on its own anymore. There must be something wrong with the extruder gears? It seems to extrude just fine when I go to Settings>Move Axis>Extruder but consistently fails when print my first layer test. I thought it may have been because I was using a hardened steel nozzle so I swapped it out and put on a brass one and am still having the same issue. Any advice would be helpful!
RE: Need help with under extrusion!
You probably need to adjust the extruder idler pressure, the screw at step 34 in this page:
And it may help to read:
RE: Need help with under extrusion!
I have tried adjusting the idler. It is so loose the screw almost comes out and it is still grinding the filament down instead of extruding it. And thanks I have read that article.
RE: Need help with under extrusion!
What is the filament? Ultra-light idler pressures are usually reserved for flexible material. For most others the head of the adjuster screw will often only just protrude ... detectable more by feel than by eye.
RE: Need help with under extrusion!
It is PLA. The only reason I had it so loose is because it seems to be grinding down the filament so it seemed too tight.
RE: Need help with under extrusion!
If it's too loose to grip properly it can still grind ...
Open the idler door and clean any debris from the gears then close up and set it tighter - otoh if it's too tight it may also grind without gripping.