Mini+ pauses randomly
I recently noticed my Mini+ randomly pausing for a split second during prints. I also realized that the scrolling filename at the top of the display screen & the "Printing Time #h #m #s" also pauses when this occurs.
Any ideas what might be happening?
Appreciate any suggestions,
Mini+ MK2Sno mods or upgrades... yet.
If I would notice some odd behavior:
-do I have latest firmware?
-make "Reset to factory default" on Mini
-do I have latest slicer version?
-then create small piece in slicer, create G-code at default settings, print it and observe if issue has gone. That is, don't use some G-code that you downloaded from somewhere!
[Mini+] [MK3S+BEAR]
Fixed it!
I verified settings and firmware as BogdanH suggested above and all was good. I then realized it was happening during bed leveling as well, so I figured its not a file or G-code issue, but maybe this is an incorrect assumption?
I then wanted to start with bare minimum connections to the printer and removed them one at time - there's only USB and ethernet - so I removed the ethernet connection and bingo! It stopped pausing.
I do have quite a bit of stuff on my network so I guess that could be creating issues. I don't use the web interface anyways, so I must have left it connected after checking it out a few months back.
Either way, I'm glad its resolved and hopefully this may help others with the same or similar issues. If I figure out why the network was causing this issue I'll add it here.
Mini+ MK2Sno mods or upgrades... yet.
That's a good approach at searching for troublemaker. Thank you for reporting your finding
[Mini+] [MK3S+BEAR]