Mini+ Filament Sensor shows N/A in Info Page
Hello all,
I am looking for some help after I installed my Filament Sensor from Prusa. I double checked the connectors at both ends but the Info -> Sensor page still shows N/A for the filament sensor. Did I do something wrong? I scanned through the forums but didn't see anyone mention this issue. I'm pretty confident I have the latest firmware but attached reference pics just in case.
Thanks for any help in advance.
Best Answer by AndrewTerry:
Have you enabled it the Settings menu? (Scroll down past FW Update to see it).
Cheers - Andrew
RE: Mini+ Filament Sensor shows N/A in Info Page
Have you enabled it the Settings menu? (Scroll down past FW Update to see it).
Cheers - Andrew
RE: Mini+ Filament Sensor shows N/A in Info Page
Nope, I must have missed that in the instructions somewhere.
RE: Mini+ Filament Sensor shows N/A in Info Page
Prusa always has some tips in store for such problems:
happy printing!
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