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Mini+ bed levelling  

Active Member
Mini+ bed levelling


I am quite new to 3D-printing, and I do not know where to search for answers for my printing problem. I suppose it could be the bed levelling. If you take a look at the attached picture, the filament doesn't stick on the bed, but only on the south-east part of the sheet. All the other areas work good, the north-west part of the sheet even better (when calibrating the z-axis, I chose a value that is in the middle). If the reason is that the bed that isn't perfectly flat, isn't it the PINDA sensor in connection with the z-axis calibration that should prevent exactly this problem? Could there be something wrong with the sensor? Or, as it is at the beginning of the print, should I consider changing the nozzle? Or could it be something else?

Thanks in advance for advice in which direction I could look for a solution 🙂

This topic was modified 4 years ago by 29e1e4
Posted : 01/08/2021 8:41 pm
Illustrious Member

One thing you can check for is  xz skew:


Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 02/08/2021 4:28 am
Honorable Member

Just something to think about...
I see you're printing to the edge of the print sheet -over the markings. Keep in mind, that print bed isn't heated evenly across whole area and us usually quite colder on outer perimeters. If you check some/any printer reviews, where reviewer is using IR camera, you can se that this is true for every printer.
Yes, Mini's print area is 18x18cm, but I think that can be achieved only at ideal conditions (depending on filament, air flow near print bed, etc.). Maybe you could try to increase bed temperature a bit, so edges get hotter.. Anyway, I would say prints up to 17x17 are more realistic expectations.

[Mini+] [MK3S+BEAR]

Posted : 02/08/2021 7:47 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
axis corrected

Hi fuchsr! Thank you so much for the the hint - yes, you were right, the axis was > 3 mm off, I corrected it, and the bed level calibration now gives much better results! Thanks again, and many greetings 🙂

Posted : 02/08/2021 8:55 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
increased heat bed temperature

Hi BogdanH! Thank you for your answer - I would have never thought about the temperature distribution, but it sounds logical to me. For this time, I increased the temperature from 85° to 95° C, and it is better now. I will think about this limitation the next time and reduce the size of my prints. Thank  you, many greetings 🙂

Posted : 02/08/2021 9:08 pm