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kolísání teploty trysky a lože  

Břetislav Holub
New Member
kolísání teploty trysky a lože

V 3D tisku jsem začátečník. Máme školní tiskárnu MK3S+, na začátku tisku modelu mám nastavenou teplotu trysky 215°C, teplota lože 60°C, během tisku se mi teplota trysky zvedne na 240°C a teplota lože na 90°C. Je to v pořádku? Na malé tiskárně MINI+ se mi to zatím nestalo, během celého tisku zůstaly stejné nastavené teploty. Děkuji

This topic was modified 3 years ago by Břetislav Holub
Posted : 22/08/2022 8:51 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: kolísání teploty trysky a lože

it would be unusual for a print profile to start at 215C and rise to 240C and for the bed to start at 60C and rise to 90C

I would suspect that you have accidentally edited the generic PETG profile, in order to use it with PLA. But you have only changed the first layer temperatures. 

It would be preferable to use the generic PLA Profile, for PLA models
regards Joan


I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Posted : 23/08/2022 12:52 am