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Is this just one issue or multiple issues?  

New Member
Is this just one issue or multiple issues?

I know I have at least one issue, which I believe to be one--or both--axis arms being out of square, as evidenced by the picture below. However I am curious if there are maybe multiple issues going on because of where the z-axis tuning is set. For PLA on the smooth sheet, I do not have this same issue but I have to set the adjustment all the way down to -1.550 for a good first layer. For PETG on the textured sheet (as shown below), I have it turned down to -1.900 and I still get this issue where only the right side lays down nicely.

With the z adjustment being so significant I figured it's worth asking if this is likely a skew issue or if there are other things I should look at?

Posted : 11/07/2022 8:21 pm
Member Moderator
RE: Is this just one issue or multiple issues?

Textured and smooth sheets have different thickness so your live z must be different. For this reason you can use (and before usage you must calibrate ) 8 different sheets. Then you need to re-calibrate only once and can select the appropriate sheet profile.

From the picture I am not able to identify what the issue is. Probably too detailed view.

Your live z values are on the edge ( max value is - 2.000) so you need to readjust the Pinda position against the nozzle tip. On you will find the process.



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Standard I3 mk3s, MMU2S, Prusa Enclosure, Fusion 360, PrusaSlicer, Windows 10
PRUSA MINI+ Prusalink + Prusa Connect

Posted : 13/07/2022 7:41 pm