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Instability Prusalink on Mac  

Active Member
Instability Prusalink on Mac

Hi,  i am happy with Prusalink, and used it since 4.4.0 RC1.  However the software on my mac mini is very unstable. It gives random error messages in the righthand bottom and also scrolling through the models is hardly possible, since the software automatically scrolls up all the time.  A small video attached. Also typing in the API key all the time after closing down is quite frustrating. Still enthousiast however on the progress made :).  Hope the improvements will come soon.


Dick PA3CW


Posted : 29/11/2022 11:34 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Instability Prusalink on Mac

Perhaps file a bug report on their github site. I'm running it on M1 Minis and Macbook Airs and am not seeing the issues you're experiencing. I'm wondering if there's some browser extension or driver that may cause a conflict. 

Regarding the API key — there are open tickets on github on that topic. Apparently it was supposed to have been "fixed" but it's still happening, and yes, it is super annoying.

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 29/11/2022 12:03 pm