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[Solved] First Layer Calibration does not extrude plastic  

Active Member
First Layer Calibration does not extrude plastic

I've just finished assembling the Prusa Mini+, and it passed the SelfTest. I loaded the filament (PLA), and run the First Layer Calibration. However, there is no plastic extruded, though I recognize the pattern it's trying to print.

I have tried to load the filament again, but the printer recognizes that there's already filament loaded.

I'd be grateful for any advice.

Posted : 23/03/2021 11:21 am
Eminent Member
RE: First Layer Calibration does not extrude plastic


I have tried to load the filament again, but the printer recognizes that there's already filament loaded.


You can use the unload option in the same menu. After that you can make a new attempt of loading.

In the end of the loading process the display asks, if the colour of the filament is correct. This means: Is there something coming out of the nozzle AND does it have the correct colour. If you select "no", it will try to extrude some more. 
I experienced that sometimes the loading process does not pull enough filament to reach the nozzle, then I have to click "no" for 1 or 2 times.
If you can't mange to get something out of the nozzle during loading, then there is another problem. First thin to check then: Tension of the extruder gear.


(You also can preheat and extrude manually in the controls menu.)

Posted : 23/03/2021 1:30 pm
Reputable Member
RE: First Layer Calibration does not extrude plastic

When you unload the filament check that the end is cut at a 45 degree angle, it'll help the filament bypass any obstacles that might hang it up.

I too have had occasions where the filament didn't get pushed fully into the nozzle and it's take 2 or 3 times saying no when it asks if the filament is the right color.  Don't click yes until you're satisfied you've got good extrusion and the color is right.  Color doesn't mean much during the first load or if you're using the same color, but when you're changing colors you want all the old color out before you start a print.


Prusa I3 Mk2 kit upgraded to Mk2.5s, Ender3 with many mods, Prusa Mini kit with Bondtech heat break, Prusa I3 Mk3s+ kit

Posted : 24/03/2021 2:08 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: First Layer Calibration does not extrude plastic

Thank you, both of you. I...

  • unloaded the filament,
  • cut the tip to a sharper angle (the end looked like it had been crushed instead of cut cleanly; I'll use a different tool from now on),
  • reloaded the filament (plastic was then extruded, correct color)
  • completed the first layer calibration

I have now finished printing Benchy. Again, thank you both for your help.

Posted : 25/03/2021 2:00 am
Active Member
RE: First Layer Calibration does not extrude plastic

Im new to 3D printing and I’ve run into some problems. When I first got the printer everything was printing fine up until four weeks after when it stopped printing halfway through a print. When I unloaded it the filament had grooves in it from where the extruder chipped away at it. After seeing that I clean the extruder I raised the heat break and also replaced the nozzle and nothing works it can’t even get a first layer down without it getting chewed up. The weird thing is I can load and unload it and also purge and everything seems fine it only happens when I print.

Posted : 30/03/2021 4:27 pm