Emergency stop (M112) requiring a printer reset sent to Mini / OctoPrint after each successful print job?
Since it not only sends a constant sound to my Mini but also requires me to manually reset it and re-do my OctoPrint connection:
How to find out which component - PrusaaSlicer 2.5.0 or OctoPrint - add that M112 command?
Any other hints for how to fix that and get back to normal behavior?
Thank you!
RE: Emergency stop (M112) requiring a printer reset sent to Mini / OctoPrint after each successful print job?
Printer was not used for a few months (but worked perfectly fine until then, without that M112 error).
So I upgraded OctoPrint to version 1.8.6, and installed PrusaSlicer 2.5.0 fresh on my computer (since the former is is gone).
Any hint?
RE: Emergency stop (M112) requiring a printer reset sent to Mini / OctoPrint after each successful print job?
Found the solution - in this thread https://forum.prusa3d.com/forum/hardware-firmware-and-software-help/mini-throws-an-error-and-beeps-continuously-at-the-end-of-every-print-job/ !
In short: Octoprints sends weird stuff at the end of a job because of what's in the "After print job completes" GCODE scripts section. I cleaned it up and the error went away.