Startup PrusaSlicer with printer profile preselected
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Startup PrusaSlicer with printer profile preselected  

Estimable Member
Startup PrusaSlicer with printer profile preselected

I'm interested in setting up desktop shortcuts to start the slicer with a specific printer profile preselected.  I have several printers and it's kind of a pain to ensure I'm selecting the desired printer profile.  It's just kind of clunky as is.   I couldn't find any command line switch's to accomplish this.  It this possible?

Posted : 29/12/2022 6:39 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Startup PrusaSlicer with printer profile preselected

Yes, that's possible: create separate configuration directories for all your different configurations. Create shortcuts for each configuration - the difference should be the in the cli option 

Posted : 06/02/2023 7:22 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Startup PrusaSlicer with printer profile preselected

Don't bother with any of that.  Just open up saved project files.  Save a project with your needed print/filament/printer combo.  Then just open it.  As a project stores all that anyway.  That's what some of us have been doing for years.

As long as your system is set to open PS on double clicking of a 3mf project then it works.  There are other advantages to using saved projects too. 

Posted : 06/02/2023 7:40 am
Diem, R&D and pcweber liked
Famed Member
RE: Startup PrusaSlicer with printer profile preselected

And use your operating systems mechanism to lock down the file, so you don't inadvertently overwrite the stored profiles. Speaking from experience...

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 06/02/2023 11:44 pm
R&D liked