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Print cost calculator  

Strona 1 / 3
Eminent Member
Print cost calculator

I'm currently working on a tool for calculating the costs for a print. I'll release it for free, so let me know if someone has interest in testing the current beta version.

It's currently only available in German, however I'll add english soon!

Let me know what you think about and it if someone has some suggestions, I'm thankfull 🙂


Best Answer by Andreas:

Hi guys,

seems that I didn't get notified on new replies here.

Indeed there is a completely revamped version available now (free & pro).

You can download it here:

You als can see the full feature list on the link above.

Thanks for your support!

Download our 3D Print Cost Calculator Tool:

Opublikowany : 30/07/2018 7:01 pm
Ronnie polubić
Re: Print cost calculator

I am interested in testing.

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Opublikowany : 30/07/2018 7:44 pm
Peter L
Honorable Member
Re: Print cost calculator

I'm currently working on a tool for calculating the costs for a print. I'll release it for free, so let me know if someone has interest in testing the current beta version.

You can also enter the cost/kg and density of your material in the "Filament Settings" of Slic3r and it will calculate the cost for you.

Opublikowany : 30/07/2018 10:16 pm
Mimir polubić
Noble Member
Re: Print cost calculator

You can also enter the cost/kg and density of your material in the "Filament Settings" of Slic3r and it will calculate the cost for you.

Plain material costs, but not the real part costs.

@andreas.r13 I'm interested. Until now I use the excel sheet from CNC Kitchen.

Opublikowany : 31/07/2018 7:44 am
karl-herbert polubić
Criações ao Cubo
Active Member
Re: Print cost calculator

Im also interested in this, looks good!

Opublikowany : 01/08/2018 3:54 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Print cost calculator

Thanks for your replies. Currently working on the translation, I'll post a testing link soon.

Thank you!

Download our 3D Print Cost Calculator Tool:

Opublikowany : 11/08/2018 8:42 am
Re: Print cost calculator

Cool. I know German and I really like the tool thus far.


Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Opublikowany : 11/08/2018 2:21 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Print cost calculator

I am also interested in it. Could you please upload it somewhere so that we can test it?

Opublikowany : 11/08/2018 3:58 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Print cost calculator

You can also enter the cost/kg and density of your material in the "Filament Settings" of Slic3r and it will calculate the cost for you.

Plain material costs, but not the real part costs.

Mein Deutsch ist nicht mehr das, was es einmal war... (I.e. I had to plug that into Goggle Translate... 😳 )

So... How are you defining & deriving "real" part cost?
What else? Time? Energy cost? Carbon footprint? Shipping? Wear & tear. maintenance, and depreciation of the printer? Waste (and all its factors & variables)? Part design cost?
I can see how this could get really... complicated.

And please pardon my noobeté (noob naïveté 😀 ); what platform does/will this tool run on--Windows, Octo, etc.?
Is it "stand alone" or will it plug in to other tools, and if so, which ones? We're using Slic3r PE & Pronter McPronterface. Will it be usable with those?

I can see the utility for someone in business. I can also see the utility (fun) for hobbyists (and code monkeys).

That's "MISTER Old Fart" to you!

Opublikowany : 11/08/2018 4:24 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Print cost calculator

here is the first download link. Please give it a try and let me know what you think.


The tool is...

  • ... standalone and does not need any additional software

  • ...made in c# (wpf) and does run only on Windows 7 or higher

  • ...available for free (no download fee and no subscription, just free) (Donations are welcome :))

  • ...currently in beta. So if you find a bug, let me know. Also feature requests are welcome
  • Download our 3D Print Cost Calculator Tool:

    Opublikowany : 11/08/2018 5:16 pm
    Reputable Member
    Re: Print cost calculator

    I am not looking to use this, at least for now, but would it not be useful to add the print file name and retain that information so one could do a lookup to get the cost for any file? Perhaps a history tab leading to a simple datagrid with selectable sort columns, so you could answer questions such as which items can I have for 200 Euro, or what can I print with the remaining 12m of filament.

    Tagaytay City, Philippines
    Founder member of Philippines Prusa Printer Owners FB Group
    Sponsor Pillars of God Academy in Bacoor

    Opublikowany : 12/08/2018 4:40 am
    Ty polubić
    Eminent Member
    Topic starter answered:
    Re: Print cost calculator

    I am not looking to use this, at least for now, but would it not be useful to add the print file name and retain that information so one could do a lookup to get the cost for any file? Perhaps a history tab leading to a simple datagrid with selectable sort columns, so you could answer questions such as which items can I have for 200 Euro, or what can I print with the remaining 12m of filament.

    Thank you for the suggestion. I actually never have thought about this, but it looks like a good feature. I‘ll add the function to save a wholr calculation as well.

    Thank you 🙂

    Download our 3D Print Cost Calculator Tool:

    Opublikowany : 12/08/2018 5:21 am
    Eminent Member
    Topic starter answered:
    Re: Print cost calculator

    I am also want to test it!

    the download link is already available.
    Please see my reply here.

    Download our 3D Print Cost Calculator Tool:

    Opublikowany : 18/08/2018 9:25 am
    Prominent Member
    Re: Print cost calculator

    Andreas, thanks for a good program, but for your heading "Saved materials:" is not "Material consumption:" or "Filament consumption:" .and more correct heading.
    And it would be good if you put in several countries' currencies, for example. Kr (or SEK) for Sweden.

    Bear MK3 with Bondtech extruder

    Opublikowany : 19/08/2018 9:38 am
    Eminent Member
    Topic starter answered:
    Re: Print cost calculator

    Andreas, thanks for a good program, but for your heading "Saved materials:" is not "Material consumption:" or "Filament consumption:" .and more correct heading.
    And it would be good if you put in several countries' currencies, for example. Kr (or SEK) for Sweden.

    I'm glad that the tool is useful to you. I'll update the headings to make it more clear.
    I also will add additional currencies for the next update. Thank you for the hint & suggestions!

    Download our 3D Print Cost Calculator Tool:

    Opublikowany : 19/08/2018 2:34 pm
    Noble Member
    Re: Print cost calculator

    As Peter already mentioned, CNC Kitchen did already a pretty good job with his Excel sheet:

    You can use it as a base to see what kind of items he consider already.
    My advise will be to create some kind of surplus/benefit with this program. Right now all the values can be calculated in a sheet (doesn't matter which one) much easier. It can be also modified with new parameters very easy. You program is always limited in functionality and you have to spend some time to implement the customer needs. Also limit to Windows only is kind of no-go for some people already. I can maintain/change my sheet on the go with my smartphone for example.

    But don't get this wrong. I'm trying to point you in the right direction. A surplus can be for example an invoice generation out of this program. Or some kind of link/plugin with Octoprint/Slis3r/Cura. Version history, Report functionality .... All that stuff where an excel sheet can't keep up. Then make it open source and let it get big 😀

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    Opublikowany : 28/08/2018 2:35 am
    karl-herbert polubić
    Eminent Member
    Re: Print cost calculator

    Very nice calculator, good job. Just the labels are a little bit confusing in english 🙄

    Opublikowany : 21/09/2018 8:42 am
    Eminent Member
    Topic starter answered:
    Re: Print cost calculator

    Very nice calculator, good job. Just the labels are a little bit confusing in english 🙄

    Thank you very much. If you tell me what labels are confusing you, then I'll update it.

    I'm working on a complete fresh version. Here is a screenshot.

    I will check out the mentioned Excel sheet and try to implement all function also in the tool.

    Suggestions & Impvrovements
    If you have any ideas, suggestions or improvements I should implement in the tool, don't hesitate to ask.

    Features of the new version (not available yet)

  • Save and load calculations from a file (.3dcalc)

  • use multiple printers for the calculation (diffrent price due to the power consumption)

  • improved interface

  • possibility to enable an authentication (enter your windows password on startup, if wished)

  • improved material and printer management

  • and many more to come!
  • Let me know what you think about it 😉

    Download our 3D Print Cost Calculator Tool:

    Opublikowany : 28/10/2018 7:35 am
    Active Member
    Re: Print cost calculator

    Using the actual version, looking forward to the new version.
    Curios what will be new.

    Opublikowany : 14/12/2018 8:34 pm
    Re: Print cost calculator

    Atleast, you have choices.

    Chuck H
    3D Printer Review Blog

    Opublikowany : 14/12/2018 10:07 pm
    Strona 1 / 3