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FreeCAD -RealThunder's branch  

Honorable Member
FreeCAD -RealThunder's branch

As I'm regularly using FreeCAD, I'm familiar with it's very annoying flaw (is not bug actually). For those interested, you can see in this video what's all about.
What's actual news (at least for me), is the fact that there exist separate branch of FreeCAD, called FreeCAD_Assembly3. I have tried it, and guess what: it works as it should -that is, above mentioned flaw is gone.

If you're curious, here's the download page at GitHub:

For Windows, download Win64 7z file, unpack it anywhere you wish and run "RunFreeCAD.bat" file -no installation needed.

[Mini+] [MK3S+BEAR]

Posted : 28/07/2021 3:27 pm
Honorable Member
Topic starter answered:
New version 2021.09.11

For those interested, there's new update (ver 2021.09.11) available -link in first post.

[Mini+] [MK3S+BEAR]

Posted : 12/09/2021 9:43 am
Estimable Member
Freecad realthunder branch !

Now I use this branch of freecad, it's incredibly better !
With ubuntu linux, there are no configuration tricks, the huge file contains all the libraries!

F. (from France).

Posted : 12/09/2021 12:21 pm
New Member
09.11 isn't there

I'm confused, where's the 09.11 release binaries? only libs are there?  🙁

Posted : 15/09/2021 5:40 pm
Estimable Member
Change in download page.


Indeed, the links change recently. Now on this page follows the link "paste releases".

Then there are two lines of links : one for daily versions and one for stable versions. For each line there is an complete appImage for Mac-OS, linux and windows. The first file is for mac, the second for linux, and fifth for windows. I don't know the use of the third and forth files.

This file is very large (about 700MB) but all libraries are include.

I hope this help you...

Posted : 15/09/2021 6:56 pm
Honorable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: FreeCAD -RealThunder's branch

hmmm.. I think download page is somehow broken.. in "Past releases" link, there are only previous versions available to download. As it seems, latest version 2021.09.11 (which I've downloaded few days ago) is not available to download right now.

[Mini+] [MK3S+BEAR]

Posted : 15/09/2021 7:44 pm
Honorable Member
Topic starter answered:
New version 2021.09.16

It seems GitHub page was in update state yesterday, because since today, new version 2021.09.16 is available for downloading.

[Mini+] [MK3S+BEAR]

Posted : 16/09/2021 7:36 am
Honorable Member
Topic starter answered:
New version 2021.09.22

If you haven't already, I can highly recommend to download this version (see my top post in this thread)

[Mini+] [MK3S+BEAR]

Posted : 02/10/2021 1:43 pm
New Member
Can't find .DLL files for execution when running from USB drive

I downloaded "FreeCAD-asm3-Stable-Win64-Py3-Qt5-20210922.7z"

I run FreeCAD in portable environment (from USB drive) on public computer at a library, they do not allow installs of software to their computers, but running from USB drive works for many other applications (Inkscape, etc. and the official main branch of FreeCAD); therefore getting the .7z download unpacked was a real problem, as they don't have 7z or 7zip installed on their machines. It would be nice to have these files available in other compressed formats, such as standard .zip files used industry wide. There are some .zip files listed, but they seem to be only for source code requiring compiling.

But, using a private computer, finally got the FreeCAD download unpacked to my USB drive.

Now, when attempting to run Realthunder's version of FreeCAD, I get error message stating can't run because file "VCRUNTIME140_1.DLL" is missing - (can't find).

However, said file IS present in the "bin" folder of the unpacked .7z download.



Posted : 14/10/2021 5:19 pm
Honorable Member
Topic starter answered:

Just tried running it from USB and no problems here.

[Mini+] [MK3S+BEAR]

Posted : 14/10/2021 7:18 pm
New Member
Thanks BogdanH for your test

Thanks BogdanH for your test - I made a mistake in my initial post - the VCRUNTIME140_1.dll and VCRUNTIME140.dll file was available in the DLL folder within the BIN folder, but not in the BIN folder itself.

When I copied both files from the DLL folder, and pasted them directly into the BIN folder, now it worky OK.


Posted : 14/10/2021 9:10 pm
New Member
RE: Weihnachts Pullover Damen

I confused for it how its work..? 

This post was modified 3 years ago by siefertsaim
Posted : 03/11/2021 8:46 pm