BGCODE block rundown for restarting prints?
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BGCODE block rundown for restarting prints?  

Active Member
BGCODE block rundown for restarting prints?

It has happened to us all, a print fails in the middle and you have a fair idea of where/what went and you want to clear the errors and restart the print when it failed. This is especially true on the XL where a long-running complex print is a challenge to start over. I ran into it about 12 hours into a 36 hour print using specialty filament. Where there were no issues with the print, simply had a hardware issue that needed to be resolved. Once resolved, I needed to reset z and continue. 

Is there a rundown on commands to leave in and edit out when restarting from a failure? For instance I don't want to recalibrate the bed if the current print is still in place. I might have to reset the Z level if I did not catch the failure for a period of time.

I can 'easily' find the spot in the g-code to restart at, but want to make sure the machine is in the proper state rather than crashing it. Things like heaters on, extruder heated, Z-level correct etc.


Posted : 23/12/2024 10:14 pm
Prominent Member
RE: BGCODE block rundown for restarting prints?

AFAIR there is none, because failures usually need full print restart, and resuming print after crash may lead to other issues so it is usually not worth it.

See my GitHub and for some 3d stuff that you may like.

Posted : 24/12/2024 10:25 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: BGCODE block rundown for restarting prints?

Using the convert utility in PrusaSlicer, I got the g-code from the bgcode. Taking it apart, I found the following:

1. First block is composed of a machine and print info, and includes info such as printer model, filament types and estimated print time.

2. A series of thumbnails from 16x16 up to 640x480.

3. A block of M2XX and M4XX commands to setup the print that includes the list of objects to print.

4. A set of commands to set print area; inform about nozzle diameter; turn off unused heaters; set bed and extruder temp for MBL; picking tools used in print; select tool that will be used to home & MBL and home Z with MBL tool

5. The Home Z with MBL tool section includes the G29 G command that does Matrix bed leveling, but I have been unable to find a reference for the 'G' option.

6. There is a nozzle cleanup and MBL section that follow. The include the following commands (machine is an XL, yours may vary).

G29 P9 X13.0154 Y8.29307 W32 H7   This is part of the nozzle cleanup, but like G29 G, I was unable to find a reference for G29 P9, but I think this is the caommand that prints a short line on the edge of the bed as part of the cleanup.

G29 P1   Auto probe

G29 P1 X30 Y0 W50 H20 C specs for auto probe

G29 P3.2

G29 P3.13    P3 commands are to fill unpopulated areas of the mesh.

G29 A Activates the bed leveling.

7. Print section begins with setting the extruder temp followed by the wipe on the edge and the first actual print extrudes. After the wipe is the point to begin removal of already printed sections.

8. End of print includes housekeeping including turning off the heaters, extruders and a long list of comments that detail statistics of the job.




Posted : 25/12/2024 7:30 pm