3D software for testing assembly
I'm designing an object that has multiple parts. Before printing it I'd like to know if the parts will fit together. I'm looking for an application that allows me to import multiple STL files and orient the parts next to each other as if they were solid. Tinkercad isn't great at this because it allows the objects to overlap.
RE: 3D software for testing assembly
I will often times use Freecad to sanity-check parts that have pin-and-hole connections, etc.
I will start a new project in the Part workbench, import all of the .stl files, convert each one to a solid (create shape from mesh -> refine shape -> convert to solid -> delete unused entities) and position them, carefully inspecting the mating features and how the model looks as a whole.
This has saved me many hours of printing and wasted filament.
RE: 3D software for testing assembly
Fusion 360 is good for this.
RE: 3D software for testing assembly
Fusion 360 is without question a good tool, but I'm just curious how long Fusion 360 will be available for free for home users.
I prefer to look towards FreeCAd (Open Source). It is sufficient for 3D printing and offers a wide range of modeling possibilities.
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RE: 3D software for testing assembly
It's true they do have a reputation for enticing people in with free stuff then switching to a paid model after a while. But it's worth giving it a go I would say. You can export your models to your local PC in OBJ/STL, etc. formats so can always switch software later if need be.