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Thoughts so far and feature requests  

Thoughts so far and feature requests

I have Prusa connect setup on 5 of our 30 printers. 

I am using 5x Pi Zero W 2 and found installing prusa connect easy enough, only problem I had was having to start with 0.52 to get the serial numbers in and then install 0.6, no big issue and something i'm sure will be sorted in due course. 

So far I am really impressed and think this has great potential to completely change how we use our farm it just needs a few more key features to really be worth installing. 

1. Shared file system - all printers connect to one source of G Code rather than each printer having its own files. 

2. Global Que - It would be incredible if the que could be shared between multiple printers and whichever one is free takes on the next job by simply pushing a button on screen or on the printer. It is a little clunky to have to send a command, like you currently do and having seperate ques for each printer 

3. Remote/Auto firmware update - this would be nice to have, updating the firmware on multiple printers is a slow process 

4. Blue sky thinking here, a way to access the print que from other apps/api? I'm thinking, product gets ordered from our website, parts required to make the product automatically add to que 

Great work Prusa Team! the UI is excellent, very reliable for a beta and very easy to setup 👍

Looking forward to the next update!



Posted : 11/01/2022 1:29 pm
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RE: Thoughts so far and feature requests

2. Global Que idea is great but needs some refinement. Most of the time, not every printer is loaded with the same type or color filament.

Maybe the option to create printer groups and apply the filament type/color to the group. Then attach the queue to the group?

I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious

Posted : 11/01/2022 5:22 pm
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RE: Thoughts so far and feature requests

I'll be frank in saying the first time I wrote this I was going to oppose the notion of having to work with groups but the idea has grown on me substantially. If we were to just prepopulate groups for each filament we use, this would be a simple task to move printers to and from the group that is populated for a specific filament. My only addition to such a request is that a setting/toggle switch be present to help easily switch between group assignments or individual printer-filament assignments. I suspect some users would love the idea of working in a batch within groups, but others might like to work on a per printer basis. Assuming there is a SQL'esq database storing all the variables at play, it would be as simple as looking at the group-filament variable vs the printer-filament variable. 

Posted : 12/01/2022 12:45 am
RE: Thoughts so far and feature requests


Posted by: @timo-2

2. Global Que idea is great but needs some refinement. Most of the time, not every printer is loaded with the same type or color filament.

Maybe the option to create printer groups and apply the filament type/color to the group. Then attach the queue to the group?


There is already a filament tracking functionally in PrusaConnect. You can tell PrusaConnect what kind of filament is loaded into the printer, what color it is, and how much is left on the spool.

So since you only have one spool of filament per printer (excluding MMU setups, but those can still work in a similar way), I think it would be better to be able to choose what filament you want when you add a print to the print queue. And then the print will be sent to a printer with that type of filament loaded and that has enough filament left on the spool to complete the print.

The ability to make filament groups would be nice, so that when you add a print to the queue you can select a group of filament options and the print will be sent to a printer that has one of those filaments loaded. For example, if you want the print printed in Prusament PETG Orange then select that specific filament. But if you want it printed in any PETG (you don't care about brand or color) then create a group and add all of your PETG filaments and the print will be sent to a printer that has a PETG filament loaded. You could also created a group that has all of your filaments if you don't care what filament a print is printed in.

Posted : 12/01/2022 1:55 pm
Timo liked
RE: Thoughts so far and feature requests

can i just say i run 30 machines too and agree with you but can i say i love those corner mounted shelves i have some custom units myself but i like the way you used that dead corner

Posted : 13/01/2022 9:42 am
DVA Maker Studios
RE: Thoughts so far and feature requests

Great Ideas. Also that shelf is amazing. 

Posted : 15/01/2022 9:08 pm
RE: Thoughts so far and feature requests


Posted by: @intrepid_camera

2. Global Que - It would be incredible if the que could be shared between multiple printers and whichever one is free takes on the next job by simply pushing a button on screen or on the printer.

Being able to start the next print in the queue from the printer itself would be awesome.

Posted : 22/01/2022 6:38 pm