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Raspberry alternativ  

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Member Moderator
RE: Raspberry alternativ

Using the pins has in my opinion aesthetic advantages when used with the RPi Zero. In terms of reliability, I'm inclined to sa USB is the better choice.

Now from my perspective, the USB resets the printer each boot. Pins don't. Pins on the other hand don't provide meaningful errors when the connection is faulty

Hope this is insightful enough 😁

Napsal : 19/10/2022 9:20 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Raspberry alternativ

Dude, it's getting late for you! lol.  Seriously, though.  Thanks for the info.

I personally hadn't noticed the "Printer Reset on USB reboot" since I leave my PIs always on, but it's good to know.  That means that I shouldn't plan on rebooting them while printing via SD card.  Not that it would happen since I would normally via Prusa Connect now and would wait for the print to finish 🙂

Napsal : 19/10/2022 9:51 pm
Member Moderator
RE: Raspberry alternativ

Yeah, don't reboot either way. Gracefully shutting down PrusaLink stops the print

Napsal : 19/10/2022 9:57 pm
RE: Raspberry alternativ

The advantage to GPIO is not using a USB port, in my view.  That is about it.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Napsal : 20/10/2022 10:54 pm
New Member
RE: Raspberry alternativ

Is there any official documentation / specification for the (network) wire protocol for Prusa Link? I might implement the protocol on a cheap microcontroller, since I  also want to get rid of the Raspberry. Do I really have to dig through the Python code or is there some paper available...?

I am running OctoPi on a RPi 3B with my MK3S at the moment, but looking for some alternative.

Napsal : 08/11/2022 8:17 am
Member Moderator
RE: Raspberry alternativ

Hi, there is documentation for the communication with Connect. There is no documentation for comms between the printer and the Pi. I'm just freestyling on whatever the printer tells me.

Docs are at

I will be pretty surprised, if you manage to copy all of what I did onto an MCU. Not saying it's imposible, but I sure can't do it. Good luck

Napsal : 08/11/2022 9:18 am
New Member
RE: Raspberry alternativ

Hi, great, thanks for the link! Unfortunately the link is giving me a "403 forbidden" 😥 

Let's see how shocked I am once I see the docs... 😉 

Napsal : 08/11/2022 9:22 am
Member Moderator
RE: Raspberry alternativ

Didn't know we had the docs locked only for internal use, I'm told it will become public once some features get added, so in a long time. Sorry I mislead you. Didn't expect them locked 🫤

Napsal : 08/11/2022 9:46 am
Zbigniew Trzepizur
Trusted Member
Posted by: @hardcoding-net

Is there any official documentation / specification for the (network) wire protocol for Prusa Link? I might implement the protocol on a cheap microcontroller, since I  also want to get rid of the Raspberry. Do I really have to dig through the Python code or is there some paper available...?

I am running OctoPi on a RPi 3B with my MK3S at the moment, but looking for some alternative.

Not sure how'd you you go about doing that, TBH. The Python code implements an HTTP(S) client/server with its own API, filesystem handling, etc. Not something you can simply ignore and replicating this on a small MCU would be an ambitious task, to put it lightly. The actual GCODE data feed via UART between the PC/SBC is only a part of what PrusaLink is and does. If you want to take Raspberry Pi out of the equation, making PrusaLink run on another SBC or even full-blown PC would be a sensible way to go.

Napsal : 08/11/2022 10:13 am
Tojik se líbí
New Member
RE: Raspberry alternativ

Hello to the community as a new member. I'm just starting with 3D-printing.

I use raspberries since several years for all my computing activities,
therefore I searched primary for software running on my raspberry.

Actually I use the RPi4b for modelling with Solvespace, exporting a Triangle Mesh.
Then I  use Prusa_Slicer to generate the gcode, which I store onto the 3D-Printer's SD-Card.

This is a procedure which fulfills all my actual needs.

I installed OctoPrint on my RPi3b and had early problems to bring it to life.
I found no help for my problem, which was:

I didnt know the user and password. (For me this is unnecessary)

I solved the problem by installing a graphical surface, and configured a new user and password.
Unfortunately OctoPi does not give me the possibility to start it from the keyboard on the system.
There is no WebBrowser installed, and no Add/Remove-Software to install a Web-Browser.
If anybody knows how this could be done, Help is warmly welcome.

I think, at the moment OctoPrint does not bring advantages for me.

Napsal : 16/11/2022 9:39 am
Eric E
RE: Raspberry alternativ

Raspberry Pi availability to improve soon.

Don’t trust forum advice.

Napsal : 15/12/2022 1:37 pm
jsw a Tojik se líbí
Member Moderator
RE: Raspberry alternativ

Woop woop

Napsal : 15/12/2022 1:57 pm
Famed Member
RE: Raspberry alternativ

I sure hope so.

I have a batch set up to scrape the Pi Locator site every 15 minutes, and every time I get a text, by the time I get to the order screen they are sold out.

Napsal : 15/12/2022 2:22 pm
Member Moderator
RE: Raspberry alternativ

Our local shop has some if you're willing to go for the kit, it does not show up on rpilocator tho. Maybe look around, you might be able to score some

Napsal : 16/12/2022 12:22 pm
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