Prusalink on docker
I just bought the mk3s+ to mk3.9 upgrade.
I would like to use Prusalink on Docker on my VM under Proxmox.
Is it possible ? If yes, where can I find an official Docker image of Prusalink?
Thank you.
Afair there is no docker image for Prusalink, but it should be easy to make it especially that it is a python package which can be installed with pip.
More problematic is exposing hardware to Prusalink in container or VM ( or in container within VM) especially that Prusalink uses it to talk to printers - not sure if anyone bothered to do this especially that Prusalink runs on dedicated hardware directly attached to the printers, where things are complex already and adding additional layers would make it even more troubling that it already.
Well, maybe running in docker containers on RPI would be more useful than pip install directly could have some benefits but surely would trade those for benefits for other problems.
Haven't tried it but I guess you would have to pass access to gpio and specific usb devices directly to VM and then the same from within VM to container ( running it in privileges mode would make things easier if security is not your concern). I know you can pass through usb devices etc under qemu/kvm, so this should be doable. Another idea maybe would be to run LXC container instead of putting it within VM with docker?
See my GitHub and for some 3d stuff that you may like.
RE: Prusalink on docker
The PrusaLink repo has the raspi image builder python script, so you can observe everything that goes into creating the link raspi image and replicate it if you really want. But i will not be attempting to create a docker image with Link myself, sorry
RE: Prusalink on docker
I built a crude Dockerfile for this. Seems to be stable enough for general use.