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Obtaining API key from local PrusaLink instance  

Obtaining API key from local PrusaLink instance

The guide says that API key for later addition (if not during initial setup) to PrusaSlicer can be found at Connect. Indeed the local PrusaLink dashboard doesn't seem to list it. Would be nice if it did too.

Posted : 13/09/2021 7:57 am
Topic starter answered:
Printer control from local PrusaLink

Let me add more suggestions so I don't create further threads. My core assumption is that the local PrusaLink should not lack features that the Connect cloud interface has. There can be outages of internet connection or whatnot, some people would just prefer staying local etc.

Also going to explain my use case: printer is in the basement, and it's obviously not a laser paper printer where you can send jobs and later go collect them. My previous workflow was: go downstairs, get SD card, clean plate, start preheating, go upstairs, load gcode to SD, go downstairs, remove oozed filament, start print.

With PrusaLink it's: upload gcode, start preheat, go downstairs, clean plate + oozed filament, use my phone to connect to PrusaLink and start the print. Much more convenient. And then I can of course monitor the print remotely (considering getting an IP camera too, probably separate from the Raspi Zero W).

What could improve this workflow:

- preheat is now accessible only via Connect, would be great to also have it locally. And in both cases, provide presets like on the printer - manually setting temps for nozzle and bed is suboptimal.

- make it possible to start a print from PrusaLink/Connect, but only preheat first and then require pressing a button *on the printer* to proceed with Z calibration etc. after user makes sure the bed and nozzle is clean. With that, I wouldn't need to bring my phone to the printer anymore. Hm maybe it's possible with some custom gcode setting already? But such an option for the "start print" PrusaLink/Connect dialog would be more flexible than baking it to .gcode.

Posted : 14/09/2021 9:23 am
Member Moderator
RE: If you leave the printer ready ...

If the printer is ready (maybe you use a sonoff wifi switch to power it on remotely) you should be able to send a print job without any preparation.

While I agree that careful supervision at the beginning of a print is desired, that could be done remotely too, if a webcam is available. 

Once the job is finished, you go to the printer, pick up the parts, clean up the bed and make note of how much filament is left (and what type) so maybe you can start the next print remotely too.

Just my two cents.


Posted : 30/09/2021 4:18 pm
Topic starter answered:
Re: If you leave the printer ready ...

Well, I always have filament oozing while heating, so I have to clear it away if it falls on the sheet, and remove any left on the nozzle.

BTW I tried to insert M601 after the initial heating so I can initiate the print from the computer and then go to the preheated printer, do final cleanup after oozing and unpause the print. Somehow it confuses the whole startup sequence between the prusalink and printer, printer reports some Y axis crashes, and IIRC also some other weird stuff. Also added the command to display a message before M601, but printer shows the IP instead while paused anyway. I'll try taking exact note next times, could be a coincidence, but last print I sent without M601 and the weird stuff didn't happen.

Posted : 30/09/2021 9:23 pm