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Desperate need for higher storage capacity  

Active Member
Desperate need for higher storage capacity

Dear PrusaConnect team,

Is it in no shape or form possible to increase storage capacity on Connect? 
We're a University Makerspace with about 17 prusa's, and it is very annoying that we keep hitting the File limit on Connect.

Currently we're also at the point where Connect is showing us that the limit is reached while we should still have 232MB left as indicated.
Already 1 extra GB would help us out a lot during the student deadline weeks, we'd also love to look into local instances and storage solutions of Connect if that's an option or alternative, but please for the love of our sanity, let us increase the storage capacity or throw out a fix that we won't receive "storage capacity exceeded" while we should still have 232mb left.

Thanks, Kris
Hanze Makerspace

Posted : 02/11/2023 9:30 am
Member Moderator
RE: Desperate need for higher storage capacity

Hi, sorry, everybody is preparing stuff for FormNext right now, so we do not have any capacity to push out a hotfix. I will report this problem once there's any chance of it being acted upon. Sorry about there not being any option to increase the storage. The old way was a gig per printer, now it's a gig per user with any number of printers.

Posted : 02/11/2023 10:08 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Desperate need for higher storage capacity

Understandable, sadly we're not attending FormNext this year, would've liked to see Prusa and the AFS there in action again!

Do you think it'd be possible still for us to put in a request for higher capacity considering our use-case, post-FormNext-activities? I obviously don't know how the storage is allocated / assigned in the Connect databases, so I'm just wondering if there is still any technical possibilities.

Thanks regardless Tojik, always appreciate your help :).


Kind regards,

Hanze Makerspace

Posted : 02/11/2023 10:18 am
Member Moderator
RE: Desperate need for higher storage capacity

I have links to forum posts on a timer. I added yours. Will get back to you in two weeks max, i hope. In the meantime, if you have the newer buddy printers, their gcodes should get smaller:

Posted : 02/11/2023 10:45 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Desperate need for higher storage capacity

Ah right, I've read about the G2/G3 arc fitting, thanks for the reminder! And I'll remain patient regarding the reachout, thanks for wanting to go through the trouble!

Kind regards,


Posted : 02/11/2023 11:39 am
Member Moderator

Hi again, so the errors you are getting are most likely originating from the fact that we do not count the storage used by print history and photo data. There also is no way to turn the history off AFAIK. So as of now, you can only disable the photo sending to connect or decrease the resolution of those photos. The print history is temporary I think, so print jobs older than 30 days should hopefully fall off and get removed. We will be working on improving the system, showing the correct storage used as well as giving you the option to get more, maybe even some bonus storage for free, but all this is up in the air. There is so much to a system like this, it's honestly kind of overwhelming. Sorry about these issues in the meantime

Posted : 20/11/2023 3:35 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Desperate need for higher storage capacity

Hi Tojik,

First off, welcome back from Formnext, sadly we couldn't make it but I was impressed with the photos I did see through friends :).

I also appreciate the follow-up and the extra information provided. We'll keep an eye on the print history, but honestly we process too many print jobs in these 30 days to keep an accurate eye on this. I'll tell my team to look into the photo data, as it's quite a nice feature to show off to people coming by that "oh you can see the print on the display". Will it only disable the thumbnails on Connect, or also remove the image from the Gcode as a whole?

Looking forward to any work on the storage, can imagine it's quite the overwhelming system.

Funny thing is, and I guess I've lucked out when making my personal profile before the company one, is that I do have 2GB on that personal account, but not on our general makerspace account;

Anyway, looking forward to seeing any development about the things you've mentioned, patiently ofcourse :).


As always, thanks for the insight and your efforts Tojik!

Kind regards,

Posted : 22/11/2023 12:14 pm
Tojik liked
RE: Desperate need for higher storage capacity

I have the same problem, and I couldn't figure out why I keep hitting a capacity limit when I have a 32GB USB drive in the printer. Now from this thread (thank you) I see the question is a limit on the space allocated on the Prusa Connect Cloud. That is fine, but wouldn't the simplest solution be to allow us to delete files from Prusa Connect but keep them on the printer?

Posted : 19/12/2023 10:08 am
RE: Desperate need for higher storage capacity

Apologies - I hadn't realized there was a separate listing of Prusa Connect files. Problem solved, though the point originally raised remains.

Posted : 19/12/2023 2:15 pm
Member Moderator

Hi, unfortunately i do not know how to improve the situation, maybe we should show the connect only files compatible with the selected printer in the printer files but with something telling you those are not uploaded? IDK really. I am not a UX person. Glad you found the correct tab tho.

Posted : 20/12/2023 12:22 pm
RE: Desperate need for higher storage capacity

+1 for higher storage capacity. We are a business with a farm of mk3's and have a need for queuing a bunch of different prints to ensure efficiency but are unable to due to the storage constraints.

Any update on additional options @tojik?

Posted : 05/01/2024 12:46 am
Member Moderator
RE: Desperate need for higher storage capacity

Hi, sorry, no updates, Christmas happened, that usually puts a stop to anything big happening

Posted : 05/01/2024 10:37 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Desperate need for higher storage capacity

So it's been a few months since the first request :P.
Is there anything possible regarding upping the quota, perhaps even swapping my personal prusa account's 2GB storage to my team's (this one's) 1GB quota?

We're experiencing quite a high workload at the moment, and queueing all the prints means that the Connect storage fills up pretty quickly, even after switching to the previously mentioned binary g-codes.

Has anything changed since the last time we spoke on this matter?

Posted : 12/06/2024 2:34 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Desperate need for higher storage capacity

(leaving a cheeky @tojik because I don't see an edit-post button)

Posted : 13/06/2024 10:23 am
Tojik liked
Active Member
RE: Desperate need for higher storage capacity



Is there any update on this topic?

Maybe there could be a payable option to get more storage, or better there could be a script that deletes old files that have not actively been protected?


Like an option:"Keep file indefinitely"

And once you use more then 90% of your storage the system always deletes the oldest file that is not  flagged and a new job is coming in?




Posted : 22/10/2024 7:28 pm
RE: Desperate need for higher storage capacity


overall I don't think there has been any change yet, if yes I would very much liked to be corrected proven wrong. However since I dealt with this issue in the past, I wanted to share here my solution.

Essentially only solution I was able to find was to switch from prusa connect to an alternative. For my purposes suited karmen cloud workspace the best, as far as i'm concerned there is no file limit and even though I didn't even wanted to hear at first about switching everything I still haven't found anything that would make me regret it.




Posted : 14/11/2024 3:30 pm