Allow img embed option for camera feed
Although I have Raspberry PIs (Rasp PI 1 Model B Rev 2) for PrusaLink instances set up for each of my MK3S+ (2), I actually use another PI to generate a stream for my webcams.
As such, I was wondering if it were possible to have an option to embed the stream in PrusaLink/PrusaConnect profile for that printer somewhere. In my case, the streams generated via MJPG-Streamer can be embedded like: <img src="http://webcam-monitor.local:8081/?action=stream"/>
Another possibility is allowing a custom image for each printer where we can provide a URL for the image so I can put the URL above?
Sounds feasible?
RE: Allow img embed option for camera feed
Hi, I am working on the first party camera integration right now. It's already kinda functional on the Link side, but I'm still working on key features like a Z height camera triggering thing.
We'll see about mjpeg, but I don't think we'll ever use it. I might be wrong tho
RE: Allow img embed option for camera feed
Well, I don't think you need to use that for my use case though, although I could be wrong.
The way it works is that the stream is generated on an external URL and that it's embedded in another web page as a simple <img> obj.
As an example, I've created a simple html page that sits on my desktop that I click on and open directly in my browser and that the source code for that is simply:
<html><head><title>WebCam Monitoring</title></head><body><table border-spacing=30px><tr width=100%><td><center><img src="http://prusamon01.local:8081/?action=stream" width=100% height=auto /></center></td></tr><tr><td><center><img src="http://prusamon02.local:8082/?action=stream" width=100% height=auto /></center></td></tr></table></body></html>
So, coming back to what I was asking, I was wondering if there was a way to provide an image somewhere, like a picture of the printer, that is not uploaded to PrusaLink but provided via a URL only.
But in any case, I understand that it's not in scope. I was just wondering if it could've been easy to do.
RE: Allow img embed option for camera feed
I guess you can use a browser extension such as Page-Manipulator to inject HTML into the Prusalink/Connect page(s). I just tried it (just a static image, not a video), and it works okay.
Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...
RE: Allow img embed option for camera feed
Thanks for the suggestion, @fuchsr. I think that's what I'll do for now 🙂