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Unofficial Prusa Mini Wait Thread  

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Eminent Member
RE: Unofficial Prusa Mini Wait Thread

I have asked the Chat yesterday evening and they said to me there are no problems with the mini. I have write a Mail to Prusa Service. I hope to get tomorrow  an answer.

Original Prusa MK3S KIT, MMU2S

Posted : 12/01/2020 7:19 pm
Active Member
RE: Unofficial Prusa Mini Wait Thread
Posted by: @oxygen

@littleneutrino that is wrong, I have asked PR support by email and the answer I have gotten got verbatim copied into the forum. Thus; the answer: there is a slight delay because of improvements of the issues reported in the forum of the first batch. Tthe shipping table in the help pages will get filled in the latter part of January.


Where do i find these shipping tables? In which help pages?

The only one I know about is the table that is maintained by the community.

Could you provide a link?

Thank you!

Posted : 12/01/2020 8:11 pm
Midwest Hacker
New Member
RE: Unofficial Prusa Mini Wait Thread

  I just ordered the Mini as my second printer.  A Tornado was my first and I learned far too much about failures and fixes in the short time I've had it.  SO I ordered the Prusa.  Why?  Because it seems Joseph has created a system.  Printers, filament, and a source for info.  Creality was my second choice, but Prusa reputation is worth something.  I am nearing retirement and have seen many businesses come and go.  I like Joe's model.   FWIW...Waiting in this case brings me a smile.  My trust....I doubt he will disappoint.  

Posted : 12/01/2020 10:29 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Unofficial Prusa Mini Wait Thread


i'm getting mixed reviews. i've heard so many good things about prusa. but now looking at reviews today it seems like the same oversights and delays of everything in the 2000s. delays in shipping, problems with the mini, ethernet may not work out the gate apparently which is a big reason i got the mini.

im new to the printer space, so what is the reputation? why are you willing to wait? ive seen delays for people in front of me in line and at this point i'm questioning the wait again

This post was modified 5 years ago by zlice
Posted : 12/01/2020 11:07 pm
Mr Smith liked
Clemens M.
Noble Member
RE: Unofficial Prusa Mini Wait Thread


Dont worry - I would also like to hold my new MINI printer in arms. But this here is PRUSA - that means two things:

1) Every time they release a new product it ends in big delays

2) They always create printers and stuff for it which is working great. I would say they are on the leading edge in 3D-printing technology and have many great innovations.

3) In addition: Great community with lots of knowledge !!!

Don´t worry - the MINI will become great - it´s just taking a little longer.

Best regards,
Clemens Mödlin

Mini, i3 MK2.5S, i3 MK4, CClone (Eigenbau)

Posted : 12/01/2020 11:14 pm
zlice liked
Honorable Member
RE: Unofficial Prusa Mini Wait Thread
Posted by: @oxygen

I have some news: I have contacted email support this week and got an answer:

The MINI is being upgraded at the moment since we found some issues with the first pieces that reached our customers and this will cause a slight delay in the shipping of the remaining orders of the Prusa MINI. The shipping table should be available in January and then we could be able to tell you more accurate data regarding the expedition queue for the MINI.

So, does this mean that no new shipments until the end of January while they make changes?

Posted : 13/01/2020 12:04 am
Topic starter answered:
RE: Unofficial Prusa Mini Wait Thread


Don't think that is what they said.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Posted : 13/01/2020 1:10 am
Topic starter answered:
RE: Unofficial Prusa Mini Wait Thread

I interpreted that t mean they would restart shipping in January.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Posted : 13/01/2020 1:18 am
Estimable Member
RE: Unofficial Prusa Mini Wait Thread

I understand that they must have had quality issues concerning their suppliers which takes quite a time to short and they also need to solve the design issues. Seems like a lot of things went wrong unfortunately.

Nevertheless the wait must be worth it and the good thing is that errors are being fixed. On the other side all these setbacks could have been avoided.


Original Prusa Mini + Smooth PEI
Prusa Slicer 2.6.0

Posted : 13/01/2020 2:55 am
Active Member
RE: Unofficial Prusa Mini Wait Thread
Posted by: @geoper2

I understand that they must have had quality issues concerning their suppliers which takes quite a time to short and they also need to solve the design issues. Seems like a lot of things went wrong unfortunately.

Nevertheless the wait must be worth it and the good thing is that errors are being fixed. On the other side all these setbacks could have been avoided.

Where do you hear or read they have issues concerning their suppliers?

For the problems we hear about are almost all their own fault.

But it is still worth the wait. 

Posted : 13/01/2020 6:17 am
Reputable Member
RE: Unofficial Prusa Mini Wait Thread


The shipping table will arrive here link to shipping table

Mini with FW:4.4.1 + SuperPINDA + Bondtech Heatbreak + PC4-M8 couplers + 1 piece boden

Posted : 13/01/2020 7:24 am
Estimable Member
RE: Unofficial Prusa Mini Wait Thread

i noticed there is a new banch on github, named 4.0.2.

so theyre at least working on a new firmware version, maybe they wont to eleminate some problemes here. could only verify that tey try to eliminate the y and x bumps in some ocasions e.g. homing

Posted : 13/01/2020 10:04 am
Midwest Hacker
New Member
RE: Unofficial Prusa Mini Wait Thread

@zlice  The reason I don't mind waiting is that Joseph and his team seem focused more on getting it right, before shipping, rather than letting us be the R&D for them.  Also why I like the fact he makes his own filament.  We've all seen the issues with using multiple brands of filament and then having to figure out temps and feed rates on the fly.  Does this mean he's perfect and doesn't make mistakes?  No.  But he does care about the industry and is trying to get it right rather than hand us the problems after we hand him cash.

  Unfortunately, suppliers don't always feel that way.  Customers many times want it yesterday and zero issues.  Eventually the industry will settle on feeder types, filament recipes, overall printer designs etc.  The leaders will innovate and those that imitate will only worry about profit and loss.  I have gotten it wrong many times over the years but this guy impresses me.

Posted : 13/01/2020 11:35 am
burtronix and zlice liked
Eminent Member
RE: Unofficial Prusa Mini Wait Thread

I ordered on 27th and having to wait such a long time before I can finally start my first print after watching all the videos is killing me...

Better communication of the issues which cause the long waiting time would be nice. It would be a dream if the shipping tables would be as transparent as their filament manufacturing lines. It would be nice if you could see an estimated delivery time directly with your order or how many MINIs still have to be shipped before yours.

However i can understand why prusa does not give out this information: If they encounter difficulties like they currently do, customers will get really mad if the estimated shipping time will be delayed or if there are currently no devices shipped. I think every delay is used to make the MINI an even better printer as it currently is.

This post was modified 5 years ago by Andi
Posted : 13/01/2020 12:44 pm
Prominent Member
RE: Unofficial Prusa Mini Wait Thread
Posted by: @pingu

i noticed there is a new banch on github, named 4.0.2.

so theyre at least working on a new firmware version, maybe they wont to eleminate some problemes here. could only verify that tey try to eliminate the y and x bumps in some ocasions e.g. homing

Yup, and there was some activity on Sunday as well.

Posted : 13/01/2020 12:50 pm
Topic starter answered:
RE: Unofficial Prusa Mini Wait Thread
Posted by: @pingu

i noticed there is a new banch on github, named 4.0.2.

so theyre at least working on a new firmware version, maybe they wont to eleminate some problemes here. could only verify that tey try to eliminate the y and x bumps in some ocasions e.g. homing

Anyone looked at it?  What the changes?  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Posted : 13/01/2020 12:56 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Unofficial Prusa Mini Wait Thread
Posted by: @charles-h13
Posted by: @pingu

i noticed there is a new banch on github, named 4.0.2.

so theyre at least working on a new firmware version, maybe they wont to eleminate some problemes here. could only verify that tey try to eliminate the y and x bumps in some ocasions e.g. homing

Anyone looked at it?  What the changes?  

See for yourself :

Not released yet ,so no release notes that I can find.


Posted : 13/01/2020 1:44 pm
Active Member
RE: Unofficial Prusa Mini Wait Thread
Posted by: @charles-h13
Posted by: @matthew-g34

After I ordered a Mini, I took a look at larger format printers and ended up buying a Core XY style printer.  I find myself constantly comparing it to my two Prusa I3 MK3 printers with a bit of sadness.  

There are so many little details that the Prusa printers just get right. Some of them are obvious, such as an out of the box slicer shipped with the printers (or available for download) that is pre-configured with correct settings.

And although I sprung for the magnetic printing sheet, it just isn't as nice as the ones on my Prusa printers. It is very thin and doesn't have the nifty alignment pins.  Minor things perhaps, but noticeable.

The most annoying problem is the Bowden tube getting hung up on the Y-Axis.

Mind you, there are things that I like, such as the 400x400x500 print area which fits a gap in my printing capabilities.

Over all I'm happy I purchased it; however, I'm really looking forward to the arrival of my Mini and a later announcement by Prusa of a new, larger format Super-Prusa!

Which Core XY did you buy?

I picked up the Hieha SX-4.  Overall I really like it, but the quality of the prints from my two Prusa MK3 I3 printers is much better.  I ordered it with an upgraded hot end, and I'm going to replace the gears with a Bondtech and the hot end with the same hot end as the Prusa.

Posted : 13/01/2020 2:18 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Unofficial Prusa Mini Wait Thread


Nice, you can see a few notes of what's changing along with the pull requests

Posted : 13/01/2020 7:35 pm
Noble Member
RE: Unofficial Prusa Mini Wait Thread

New blog post:

Often linked posts:
Going small with MMU2
Real Multi Material
My prints on Instagram

Posted : 14/01/2020 12:09 am
burtronix liked
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