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Unofficial Prusa Mini Wait Thread  

Stránka 224 / 241
Bill Marcy
RE: Unofficial Prusa Mini Wait Thread
Posted by: @eindeveloper

Hey guys, I'm waiting for my Prusa Mini+ kit... I'm so excited! I ordered my on the 26th of january... does anybody know when I can expect the delevivery.. round about..? 

March 8th week.

Napsal : 25/02/2021 6:42 pm
Active Member
RE: Unofficial Prusa Mini Wait Thread


I think that's just for the pre-assembled one.. right? Or I'm on the  wrong way? I'm confused 😆 

Napsal : 25/02/2021 6:43 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Unofficial Prusa Mini Wait Thread


I believe your correct, thats for the pre-assembled version. Id guess your eta is mid may or so.

Orange Juice Please

Napsal : 25/02/2021 7:04 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Unofficial Prusa Mini Wait Thread

Just got the email 😀

Prusa Mini kit, pei, textured, satin, filament sensor, and i think 12 rolls of filament shipping by fedex to Canada. Ordered on Dec 9th, and Jo's signature (we'll see if he did sign it when I get it)

eta Monday


😀 the excitment intensifies

Orange Juice Please

Napsal : 26/02/2021 7:43 am
Eminent Member
RE: Unofficial Prusa Mini Wait Thread

What is the benefit to the satin sheet, and is it worth changing my order of smooth + textured to include a satin? I'm likely to only print PLA nd PETG for a while.

Napsal : 26/02/2021 11:28 am
Trusted Member
RE: Unofficial Prusa Mini Wait Thread



Napsal : 26/02/2021 12:43 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Unofficial Prusa Mini Wait Thread
Posted by: @cashew92ftw

Just got the email 😀

Prusa Mini kit, pei, textured, satin, filament sensor, and i think 12 rolls of filament shipping by fedex to Canada. Ordered on Dec 9th, and Jo's signature (we'll see if he did sign it when I get it)

eta Monday


😀 the excitment intensifies

I’m in Toronto too.  Ordered Dec 30.  Hoping mine ships soon.   Getting tired of checking my order status page 10x a day...haha.  It’s interesting that there is such a huge demand for kits vs pre-assembled.  Good indicator that there are lots of new people like me ordering for the first time.  


Napsal : 26/02/2021 1:32 pm
Cashew92ftw se líbí
Reputable Member
RE: Unofficial Prusa Mini Wait Thread

I ordered my mini+ kit on jan5 when preorder was still in effect with estimated delivery times of 8-9weeks so i guess mine will arrive just in time for birthday in late march 🙂

Prusa Mini+ kit. BondTech extruder. FW 5.1.2
Prusa MK3S+ kit. Stock. FW 3.11.0
Prusa MK3S+, used. Stock. FW 3.13.3

Napsal : 26/02/2021 2:05 pm
Active Member
RE: Unofficial Prusa Mini Wait Thread

I ordered my [non-kit] Mini+ on 20 January, at the time they said it would ship 15 March.  Shipped today.

I really enjoyed assembling my Mk3S, but the wait for the Mini+ kit was just too long.

This post was modified před 4 years 2 times by GMoney
Napsal : 26/02/2021 2:13 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Unofficial Prusa Mini Wait Thread


I added the satin sheet beacuse this is a new printer for me and i do intend on starting printing with PETG. The benifit is it should be good for both PETG and PLA. Though Is it worth it if your only going to print PLA id say not nessisarily. I just wanted to splurge and get a bit of all i can for the mini while i was waiting for it to ship, and $40 more while they said it wouldnt impact my shipping time i figured why not.


If you or anyone wants i'll post my thoughts on the different sheets when I have it all set up and done some tests with them.

Orange Juice Please

Napsal : 26/02/2021 9:44 pm
Schnoidz se líbí
Eminent Member
RE: Unofficial Prusa Mini Wait Thread


Yeah that would be good. I was hoping i could swap the smooth and textured for the satin but they can't do that, so I'm happy with the two sheets.

Napsal : 26/02/2021 10:03 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Unofficial Prusa Mini Wait Thread


Yes interested how you get on with both sheet, I have both sheets still playing around with the smooth I have not unpacked the textured yet. I only use PLA so once I play I shall post back also. I added the smooth to the saved sheet section under the new 4.3.1

Prusa Mini+ (Ordered Dec 19,2020 - Arrived Feb 21,2021) stated clicking Mar 2nd / MP Select Mini V2

Napsal : 27/02/2021 2:46 am
Cashew92ftw se líbí
New Member
RE: Unofficial Prusa Mini Wait Thread


im in the same boat too ordered on 5th of jan. i hope we dont wait 16 weeks its just too long. 

Napsal : 28/02/2021 12:06 am
Reputable Member
RE: Unofficial Prusa Mini Wait Thread


I hope so too but i think the preorders will go out in due time as they only updated their deliverytimes in beginning of feb as the kit went live in the store.

My guess is streamlinging kit is challeging and they are getting better at the preassembled version over the last year.

Could possibly be that a half-assembled unit is easier to test and requires less pckaging too.

Prusa Mini+ kit. BondTech extruder. FW 5.1.2
Prusa MK3S+ kit. Stock. FW 3.11.0
Prusa MK3S+, used. Stock. FW 3.13.3

Napsal : 28/02/2021 8:15 am
New Member
RE: Unofficial Prusa Mini Wait Thread

Ordered the mini+ kit 25th of december, first printer ever 😀 excited like a 5 year old on Christmas eve ^^

Napsal : 01/03/2021 1:17 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Unofficial Prusa Mini Wait Thread
Posted by: @cashew92ftw


Welcome to the club 🙂 looks like your off to a good start there. Random tidbit, but you are able to keep adding to your order prior to it being shipped ig you choose to do so. Just talk to customer service. 

If you have questions feel free to ask them 🙂

This is what I ordered

  Original Prusa MINI+ - Color : Black and orange, Spring steel sheet : BOTH STEEL SHEETS: Smooth PEI & Textured powder-coated (+30 USD), Filament sensor : Yes (+20 USD), Filament bundle : Prusament PLA Azure Blue (+24.99 USD)

I have a bit more I could spend (maybe up to $200).  What extras should I add to my order?  I've never even seen a printer so I'm a complete noob.  I am a person that likes to have plenty of supplies and spare parts on hand.  I guess I should get more filament.  Should I add nozzles also?   What else?

Napsal : 01/03/2021 4:31 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Unofficial Prusa Mini Wait Thread


Looks like your off to a good start. This is my 2nd printer, and ive never owned a prusa before. That being said im unsure/doubtful its nessisary to purtchase nozzles from prusa IMO. As you can get them from other sources for cheaper and more quantity. 

Can someone chip in about the ptfe tube, if its worth getting or just outsource some and cut to size? 

Pla is a good start, prusament id say is the premo stuff, so i wouldnt say no to more. Though you should be able to source some for a better price either localy or from places like amazon. $20-$30 a roll is a decent price. As your new to printing id try and be consistent with what manufacturers of filemnt you use till your comfortable tuneing in different filaments.

You ordered the textured sheet, but no petg or other filament types, do you intend on trying out others? If so same applies as the pla, but it may be worthwhile to consider the satin sheet if its in your budget. The pro for it is its more compatable with different filaments without you needing to change sheets. Though id say its not nessisary. 

Im unsure of how long to expect the fans to last, but on my first printer ive had to change 2 or 3 of them. Though locally they were under $2 a fan for me. 

Its not nessisary but a easy mod to consider would be the paver base for the mini. It should dampen the vibrations and sound. That would be a local thing, and look around for more info on it.

If you plan on trying out different filaments a drying system/dry box may be worth looking into. You can diy one or there are legit ones made for 3d printing. For PLA i wouldnt expect you to need it unless you open your filemnt and wait s few weeks/months before finishing it.

Basic tools such as a caliper, sharpie, wouldnt hurt to have painters tape but i dont expect you to need it, spare usb.

Another mod to consider with some research would be the usb extension mod. Some people have made adaptors to their screen to locate a usb cord beside them, so you can put your thumb drive right in beside the screen and reduce wear to the intigrated usb. 

Random hardware can also be a good thing to start collecting, like bearings, screws, nuts, washers, magnets, sandpaper, glues, paint.

This is all just things to think about, and in my opinion, let us know if you have more questions or what your considering 🙂


Orange Juice Please

Napsal : 01/03/2021 10:21 pm
Eric Devoe
New Member
RE: Unofficial Prusa Mini Wait Thread

I ordered my mini+ kit on Dec 15th - at the time I ordered (and paid for it!), the estimated delivery was late January/early Feb. Still haven't heard anything, hopefully I'll get it some day...

Charging for a purchase 6-8 weeks in advance is one thing, but at some point it starts to feel like I'm granting an interest-free business loan. 

Napsal : 01/03/2021 10:53 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Unofficial Prusa Mini Wait Thread


I really appreciate your suggestions. I'm in luck as I already have most of the tools. I am interested in experimenting with different types of filament. The satin sheet is currently out of stock so I asked to be notified when it returns to stock. I see the Prusament PLA is cheaper from Prusa than it is from Amazon. (Noob question) Are different size nozzles needed? I see lots of sets on Amazon, as well as cleaning kits.

Napsal : 02/03/2021 1:12 am
Cashew92ftw se líbí
Topic starter answered:
RE: Unofficial Prusa Mini Wait Thread


Larger nozzles increase print speed but reduce resolution.    Smaller nozzles increased resolution and the time required to print.

Large nozzles can help print some less viscous filaments.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Napsal : 02/03/2021 1:15 am
Cashew92ftw se líbí
Stránka 224 / 241