The best idea I've had today
Sometimes I want to build on the textured build plate, sometimes on the smooth PEI. I thought there was supposed to be a routine to be able to "select" which build plate you have mounted so that, once you have them calibrated as to the first layer Z-axis offset distance, you don't have to reset that value everytime you change beds? AmI missing that or has it not yet been implemented in the firmware? Well, here's an idea that would essentially obviate that need: Make build plates that are smooth PEI on one side and powder-coated texture on the other. I'm thinking there is probably one number that will work for both surfaces, although it may not be optimum for either. Sure would save time and effort when changing. I never quite understood why it was necessary to have a thickness discrepancy in the first place. Applicable for all FDM models, not just the MINI. How about it JP?
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RE: The best idea I've had today
May be more trouble than you think.
Assuming the coating is applied as a sprayed powder coating before being baked, the metal part is usually charged to attract the sprayed coating else most of it misses and is wasted, unfortunately this also causes anything that missed the edge to get attracted to the rear.
It could also cause slight warping of the steel sheet as the PEI cools and contracts.
Normal people believe that if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Engineers believe that if it ain’t broke, it doesn’t have enough features yet.
RE: The best idea I've had today
Now that we can select between sheets easily off the front menu, this is less of a benefit than it would have been previously. I use 3-4 different sheets regularly and the menu option is very straightforward. Its an interesting idea, but not what is consider a must-have feature, and would likely cost more.
and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan
RE: The best idea I've had today
Hope they implement this in the mini FW!
RE: The best idea I've had today
Ah, so THAT'S why I can't find it in 4.0.4? Maybe they will include manual mid-print filament change in the next u/g as well. I can dream anyway....
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RE: The best idea I've had today
Hope they implement this in the mini FW!
Wups, didn't catch that it was a Mini topic. Wish the forums provided better filtering of new posts. I am surprised this feature doesn't exist on the Mini yet.
and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan
RE: The best idea I've had today
Exactly. But even on the MK3/S, there's still a lot of fussy set-up that has to be done. I'm not saying the manufacturing process would be easy or less expensive, but the convenience factor for the user would rationalize paying more for it. At least it would for me.
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