RE: Super PINDA and other changes coming to the Mini+
Conducted another test of the SPINDA upgrade to my MINI. Started another print on my MINI after the printer was off overnight for about 17 hours. Great results.
Another observation; the SPINDA came with a smaller amount of the outer wire jacket stripped off. The original MINDA was factory installed with most of the outer jacked removed leaving only the three insulated colored wires. This is probably why the wires were a little more susceptible to breakage.
After the new SPINDA is installed, you might notice that the fabric wrapped hot end cable loom is a little stiffer due to the thicker SPINDA cable. I left a little more slack between the hot end and extruder assembly when I secured the zip ties and clamp. Just be careful to leave enough slack in the loom on the control box end so the Z axis can move freely to the top.
Mike Gann
RE: Super PINDA and other changes coming to the Mini+
Just received and installed the SPINDA and i´m very happy with the results. After printing a few prints in a row, it´s still getting a constitent first layer
RE: Super PINDA and other changes coming to the Mini+
So no difference for you??
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
RE: Super PINDA and other changes coming to the Mini+
My personal experience with the SPINDA was it reads from a lot further away (my Z offset changed from -0.920 to -1.800 using the end of the ziptie, readjusted to use the middle of the ziptie so I had enough wiggle room to make it closer for my textured sheet). I suggest mounting it 1-1.5mm vs 0.8-1mm the instructions state. Maybe pre-print you a small block.
As far as heat goes, I've set the offset once and been clean since. I even tested a cold 1st layer calibration, then a 5 minute 'warmup' gcode (1mm from heabed at 65C), and immediately another 1st layer, exact same results. It would be interesting to get someone's input on a large, but thin print (maximizing the probe's proximity to the bed for longer) and see if anything changes between prints.
I think I know, I don’t think I know. I don’t think I think I know, I don’t think I think.
RE: Super PINDA and other changes coming to the Mini+
It makes a difference as I can see no difference in first layer after printing with „hot“ and cold probe. This was completely different with the Minda.
I like th SPINDA 🙂
RE: Super PINDA and other changes coming to the Mini+
So far I haven't heard much, but very positive about the new sensor "SPINDA". I think, I will test this part too.
Anyway, thanks to all for the feedback so far!
Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.
RE: Super PINDA and other changes coming to the Mini+
My personal experience with the SPINDA was it reads from a lot further away (my Z offset changed from -0.920 to -1.800 using the end of the ziptie, readjusted to use the middle of the ziptie so I had enough wiggle room to make it closer for my textured sheet). I suggest mounting it 1-1.5mm vs 0.8-1mm the instructions state. Maybe pre-print you a small block.
I found the same, lifted mine from 0.8mm to 1.2mm otherwise the Textured sheet would have been at ~-2.000 z-offset.
RE: Super PINDA and other changes coming to the Mini+
I found the same, I had to raise mine up so z-offset was below - 2.0
RE: Super PINDA and other changes coming to the Mini+
Any idea when these are going to be restocked?
Weened on MK3's at work, FrakenMini and MKs at home.
RE: Super PINDA and other changes coming to the Mini+
Got my SPINDA yesterday, installed today. Looks like this fixes all the issues I have had with the creeping z-offset. Great. Would have been nice to have this from the start, but I guess not all users have experienced these difficulties so maybe they just didn't know. Anyway, the replacement wasn't hugely expensive so...
I also lost my last excuse to put of using the mini, so now I have to study Freecad more to be able to create my own designs.
RE: Super PINDA and other changes coming to the Mini+
I ordered my mini well before the upgrade arrived, but haven't had a chance to assemble it yet. Does anyone know if I can buy the other parts - "for easier assembly"? I believe it is the bearings/clips?
RE: Super PINDA and other changes coming to the Mini+
no need, it has been designed to make the assembly process easier (according to PR) there is no (intended) improvement of the printing process results. My 2 cents, the PINDA+ improves the printer a lot
Mini with FW:4.4.1 + SuperPINDA + Bondtech Heatbreak + PC4-M8 couplers + 1 piece boden
RE: Super PINDA and other changes coming to the Mini+
I am still testing. No change for me yet but mine was working before. I have one with a MINDA and one with a SPINDA and Two clones. I have yet to notice a single difference.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
RE: Super PINDA and other changes coming to the Mini+
Maybe you have more experience or are just lucky, but as many people here on the forum have the same issues with the MINDA probe (that can be negated by pre-heating the probe for 90+ seconds) and I do not have a stable temperature environment for the printer (it is in the attic were in winter the temperature goes below 15C in winter) just telling the forum your millage without telling us your environment is not helpful.
Mini with FW:4.4.1 + SuperPINDA + Bondtech Heatbreak + PC4-M8 couplers + 1 piece boden
RE: Super PINDA and other changes coming to the Mini+
no need, it has been designed to make the assembly process easier (according to PR) there is no (intended) improvement of the printing process results. My 2 cents, the PINDA+ improves the printer a lot
That's exactly why I want to buy them - I haven't assembled my printer yet! Hence why I'm wondering if I can by the bearings/clips - are they available in the shop? If not, I'll just buy the Super PINDA on its own...
RE: Super PINDA and other changes coming to the Mini+
With the Mini there isn't a lot of assembling to be done (at least until the kit starts shipping) so the bearings and clips etc. will have been pre-assembled in the factory.
RE: Super PINDA and other changes coming to the Mini+
I also installed the SPINDA and found that the meshbedleveling results remain much more consistent with both cold and hot printing plates. This is probably related to the quality of the previously installed MINDA. Happy those who can achieve precise results with the MINDA.
The conversion MINDA-SPINDA was about 10 minutes work and passed completely without problems. Further 10 minutes I needed to level with the "bed visualizer" in the range of approx. 0.03mm.
Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.
RE: Super PINDA and other changes coming to the Mini+
Does a PINDA, or SuperPINDA in this instance, do its work
- solely on the first layer, after which a stepper motor sets z height?
- or does it measure Z height for every layer?
I ask because I’ve heard both explanations and am curious to learn which is true.
RE: Super PINDA and other changes coming to the Mini+
Which program/app are you using to measure and visualize the bed level of the Mini.
(I am about to change the Minda on my Mini to a SuperPinda...)
Have a look at my models on 😉