Multiple issues with new firmware
Multiple issues with ?the firmware.
I have a newly put together Mini with latest firmware ( as of a few weeks ago) and it basically works but I have lots of little issues that I can work around most of the time.
but have run into one that I can’t work around. The issues are:
Main problem one:
if I pause the print ( to install a nut in a recess) it locks up and nothing happens.
rolling the knob has no effect. Pressing the button has no effect.
only way to do anything is turn off the power. This obviously loses the print.
Other problems ( that can be worked around by turning off and turning in a again)
If the temp is at full working temp and I shut down the print ( either panic button or stop print) it says “ cooling” but it cools right down to zero and just locks up. I have to turn off the power and start again for it to work.
Reasonably frequent random bed over temps, thermal runaway warnings during turn on procedures. Doesn’t seem to happen once a print is in process. when I get it -turn off and turn on. Fixes the problem.
RE: Multiple issues with new firmware
I don know if that solves your problems. But since 6th April there is a new firmware available. As the Mini is a very new model it makes sense to upgrade to the newest firmware. Then try again and maybe some of your problems have gone.
Here is the link:
Best regards,
Mini, i3 MK2.5S, i3 MK4, CClone (Eigenbau)