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How do you upload files over Wifi (4.4.0)  

Honorable Member
How do you upload files over Wifi (4.4.0)

I have finally got around to upgrading my FW and adding a Wifi card and it appears to work faultlessly..

But I hope I am missing something.. Is there another way to upload files to the Printer other than via Prusa link?

Can you send files directly from Slicer? Or is there a way to mount the printer in Windows (like I do with Octoprint)?

If you can only do it via the browser, then this means an extra step as you have to slice.. Save.. Then open a browser and upload the file..

Is there another way?


PS. Is the API thing here to stay? Any way around it? Its a totally pain having to insert the key every time you load the browser? I assume this is for security, so surely this should be an option whether you want this or not (which I don't).


Posted : 14/10/2022 1:42 pm
Honorable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: How do you upload files over Wifi (4.4.0)

I worked it out.. I had to add a physical printer. So uploading is fine

But do you really have to go enter the API every time you go into Prusalink? Or do people just use the "upload and print" feature and never go near PrusaLink?

Posted : 14/10/2022 2:07 pm
Famed Member

It is an annoying "feature". There's at least one GitHub ticket open to either store the key or at least make it a field that password managers can automatically fill. I'm playing with Prusalink on one of my Minis but without integration into PrusaConnect it feels pointless to me. Even sending directly from Prusaslicer is ten times slower than sending it to a Pi running Octoprint. 

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 14/10/2022 2:13 pm
Honorable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: How do you upload files over Wifi (4.4.0)


Posted by: @fuchsr

It is an annoying "feature". There's at least one GitHub ticket open to either store the key or at least make it a field that password managers can automatically fill. I'm playing with Prusalink on one of my Minis but without integration into PrusaConnect it feels pointless to me. Even sending directly from Prusaslicer is ten times slower than sending it to a Pi running Octoprint. 

Agreed its slow.. But it might be OK for what I want.. But what I don't get is how you are ment to actually use it (other than if you want to print immediately). If you want to print something again, or choose another project, you have to go into Prusalink and having to put the key in each time is a deal breaker.

I will try it for a bit, but I might go back to my old process of putting files on USB sticks and phyiscally plugging them into the printer.. And leave my 'remote' prints to my MK3S+Octopi.




Posted : 14/10/2022 2:18 pm
Famed Member
RE: How do you upload files over Wifi (4.4.0)

Couldn't agree more. That whole pruslink/PrusaConnect effort feels to me like a second class citizen on the Prusa priority list. Doesn't feel like they're having the resources behind it needed to produce a truly great product. 

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 14/10/2022 2:27 pm
Honorable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: How do you upload files over Wifi (4.4.0)

I have given up with it... I connected to my Wifi within seconds the first time.. And it all seemed stable.. But nothing changed and I lost connection and now I can't connect at all.. I just get an IP of

I have tried everything but since the benifits are tiny, its not worth the effort.

Posted : 14/10/2022 3:30 pm
Honorable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: How do you upload files over Wifi (4.4.0)

I managed to get it back on the network again.. But I can't connect to PrusaConnect..

I know its connected as I am able to transfer large GCODE files from Slicer with no trouble.. And I can ping the address with no latency... But when I connect to the web page, it thinks about it for 10 seconds or so and then I get "The connection was reset".

I have tried with 2 different browsers and 2 PCs.... So I have no idea!



Posted : 14/10/2022 4:24 pm
Eminent Member
RE: How do you upload files over Wifi (4.4.0)

Are you trying to get to the http:// webpage or leaving the browser to decide to attempt https: instead? Only works on http (not https).



Posted : 21/10/2022 8:12 pm